DR's Orders

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Jul 25, 2010
Well a week ago I was injured at work. Having to go to the the Dr. he told me I had to take 2 days off from work. I told him well that could give me some time to make a few pens. He asked what kind and I told him I make ink pens. He then asked if I sold them and of course I told him yes. He told me that on my return visit ( which was yesterday ) to bring some with me. Well I showed up for my appointment with pens in hand. HE was saying wow then asked how much I was selling them for. I told him $20 each. He promptly picked out 2 pens and I walked out with $40 . Not often you leave the DR's office with more than you came with.
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And that's how you sell pens. See, easy. Next time tell them $25.

By the way, sweet avatar.
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