Driving home this morning I see.....

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IAP Activities Manager
Staff member
Jul 5, 2009
Fort Myers FL
2 Florida panthers, from the sizes male and female crossing the road into my driveway. I'm in the car the camera is in the house:mad:

Picture is of my road and my driveway is on the right.
This is the 3rd sighting for us around the area we live at in the last 18 months.

I know no pictures .....didnt happen..:mad:


the tracks are about 3x3 1/2 inches. I live 7 miles outside of town in the panther habitat area. We have had deer and wild pig come right up to the house and a black bear came up on site when we were building.

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Mike ,I'm a believer. I spotted one from the car on SW Pine Island Rd. last trip down to Cape Coral. It was just west of 41. Hope Susanne doesn't see this thread:eek:
That's pretty cool. Keep the pets inside, don't want to add to more news reports, pretty soon they will try to outlaw the Nature.

Parson, Sorry to dissapoint. Mostly the FL panther looks like a cougar, not the hot old lady type either...although there are plenty of those to go around, but I digress........
Back in the late 60's and early 70's we lived on acreage north of Orlando and a number of times we saw them, today the area is all built up and we humans have taken over their habitat...
My property backs up to 700+acres of county wetland mitigation property. The cats were a tawny light brown.
I'd have to get my Moultrie Game Camera out and tie a chicken to a stake in front of it. Might not be the most sensitive thing to do to the chicken, but Tyson does some pretty disgusting things to them so you and I can eat 'em....

Glad we don't have any big cats here in Arkansas(just ask Game-n-Fish...they don't exist here)! But you know how you get that 'feeling' when your at deer camp, just outside the light from the firepit, getting rid of some beverage.....? And in the morning the gut pile has disappeared!

Scott (seem like small tracks though) B
No cats here, just insane wild pigs that are killing all the deer. I've never seen a panther, but from those tracks, the only way I would look at it would be through a scope:)!!
Mike hope you never have to come face to face with the cats.

James, you said gators in TX? Aren't you too far from FM 1960 in Houston?

Yep, I live about 3 or 4 miles from 1960 east of lake Houston now, but I moved here from Chambers county, about 20 miles further east, where there are more gators than people.
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