Dreaded Penturners?

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Apr 5, 2009
I am seriously considering Dreadlocking my hair...I have always wanted dreads and never have done it so i figured what the hay. I just want to have good results. I am leary of anything that says, Just buy beeswax, and twist and back comb and wax and twist and... well, you get the idea.

Any help would be awesome!
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lol. thats why i am dreading my hair now. I was going to donate it, but i think a balding guy with dreads would look funny, so i am going to take advantage of my hair while i still can!
I'm not a fan of dreadlocks... always looking for critters to crawl out of them..:biggrin: but don't have any judgments against those that have them - each his own... at one of my shows my booth neighbor is a glass worker and for the first couple of years had dreads... it would have worried me to have that much hair around a glass furnace running at about 2000 degrees.. :biggrin:

Back in the '70's I tried the permed hair that was popular... found out my hair would frizz nicely, but not curl... lasted two weeks. At 68 I still have it all and most of the color, but I do keep it relatively short.

Go for it and damn the dectractors. :good:
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