Folks, I come to you asking that you take a look at this site http://www.dogtagsforkids.com/ and consider contributing a few dollars. A contribution of as little as $5.00 will put smiles on several children and help our service men and woman make a much needed connection with the children at home.
I've been involved with this program since it's beginning and the stamina and resolve of Rose to get a dog tag into the hands of every military child has been amazing to watch.
There are now pending, requests for over 100,000 of these tags that we can't fill.
Can you please help?
Thank you
I've been involved with this program since it's beginning and the stamina and resolve of Rose to get a dog tag into the hands of every military child has been amazing to watch.
There are now pending, requests for over 100,000 of these tags that we can't fill.
Can you please help?
Thank you