Does anyone use Vonage?

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I use Vonage for my office phone. I think you'd have a hard time beating the price but sound quality can be compromised at times if you have multiple computers sharing the same internet connection. Particularly if one or more of those computers is doing something bandwith intensive (streaming video, software downloads, etc). I love their Visul Voicemail feature and my wife has recently been using it more and more in the evenings and weekends to make calls to her family in Canada.

I use it at my office and have had no problems or down time since we started using it almost four years ago. We only have two computers on the line, but we often work with and upload/downlaod large files to our clients. Good price, good product/service and no complaints.

Jim Smith
Don't you have to change your phone #? My in-laws did it and had to ditch a phone number they had since party lines. For me that would would be a stopper even if it was free, but perhaps they've changed that.

I've been using VOIP for about 7 years now. Jason is correct, bandwidth is everything. If you dont game/ video stream, ect a lot you probably will be ok. I have 4 wireless laptop's at home along with XBox live and some other additional wireless toys. To gain the greatest efficiency, I had my ISP increase the bandwidth and purchased a CISCO wireless router. I now have a constant 3M dowload and a 1M upload rate on a consistant basis. What does all that jargon mean? Consistant use of laptops without delay and digital phone with no interuption. Hope this helps.

Yes, you have to change phone numbers but all the perks outwieghed the phone number change for me.
I think you SHOULD be able to port your number, but it may take extra time
for the port to go through. Your phone company gets paid even when you're
ditching them.
But, if it's cheap enough, keep your long time phone number, add the vonage
as a second line. People call you, you call them back on the vonage for free.
You can take all the features off of your main phone line (caller ID, long distance)
and maybe save enough right there to pay for the vonage.

I sell and install something similar for Comcast and there are some people who
want to keep the phone company connection, so I know there's ways around
these things..
The comments made me remember another negative I forgot to mention. When I signed up about 18 months ago they didn't have any phone numbers available in my area code (480, Mesa AZ). I had to go with a neighboring area code (602, Phoenix AZ). That means my home and office numbers have different area codes even though they're in the same building.

One problem that may have been since corrected is that when you dial 9-1-1 on Vonage for an emergency, the answering dispatch center generally does not get your location automatically like they would on a regular telephone line. At one time they were required to put an advisory of this on their owner's manual. May not seem like a big deal but when the dispatcher knows where you are calling from and doesn't have to ask, emergency response is much faster.

Pat Camara
My daughters both have had Vonage for years and we have had it for a couple of years. Never have had an issue. And haven't had any bandwidth issues. My wife has been on the phone and I'm playing World of Warcraft and not a problem.
We have had it since 2002. There were some issues early on, but they have been resolved from our experience. As far as the congestion issue on the network, I bought an inexpensive switch to put between the cable modem and everything else and it has worked fine.
Thanks to everyone for the info....

I believe from the feedback I will try them. Tired of paying all that money for what little I use the phone.
Just so you know, the federal taxes/fees have been creeping up on Vonage bills. We have the basic 500 minute plan and it is running somewhere around $23 now. It is still cheaper than traditional land lines. What is nice is that you can talk unlimited between Vonage customers. The wife and the in-laws chat all the time and it doesn't count against our allowed minutes; which we have never reached.
I have had Vonage since it came out, they sent me the router for free, and when I moved to Fla, I not only got a phone number down here, I was able to keep my NJ number so freinds and others can call it without a long distance charge. Last week my router went bad, I sent them an E Mail, asked them if they had anything for long time customers, they sent me a new one over night, no charge. Also if you cal the UK it is free, so I love it. The only problem I have had is some time my fax won't work with some numbers.
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