Do you like commissioned orders?

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Mar 18, 2008
West Henrietta, NY, USA.
I just finished doing 2 orders. One was for 6 pens and the other for 7. I've concluded I really don't like doing orders so much. I like making the pens to relax and have some fun. Making them at my own pace, the styles I feel like making and not being in a rush to hit a deadline. I'd rather have a selection of pens for customers to choose from. I find doing these orders takes some of the fun out of it. Maybe it's because I don't make many pens (it's a hobby) or that I am still learning a lot and therefore worry that my customer won't be satisfied with the finished pen. Who knows.

Anyway, I was just wondering how others feel about orders. Do you feel the way I do or do you like filling orders and get a lot of satisfaction from making the customer happy? Do you stress about getting the pen "right"?
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You're feelings are close to mine. However, to reduce the stress of worrying about the finished pen, to date I only will do the following:
- Take a customer order for something I know I am capable of
- Give myself plenty of time (hard to do sometimes, but I try)
- Make sure I am happy with the finished pen (I'm usually pickier than the customer)
- Tell them that if for any reason they don't like it, I will keep it

That last one seems strange, but a) they have NEVER taken me up on it and b) I know that I'm happy with it so it could go into my 'stock'.

But you did 13 pens on commission.. I have only had 1 order that big and 1 other close... Maybe too big a bite?
I never had such a large order. When asked to make a pen, its usually just one at a time, and never more than two at a time. That being said, I have more fun making ordered pens. It takes the "I wonder if someone will like this one" out of the equation. It is probably worth pointing out that the people who order pens from me are co-workers. I know them, and we have time to talk about what they really like about a pen, so I "know" how to make the pen. (If my boss is reading ... we don't take 'that' much time, and it always during the lunch hour.)
I guess professional turners will probably get excited about the money that comes from larger orders... While hobbyists will probably look at larger order as a sure way to kill their relaxing past-time...
I like being able to make a customized pen to be exactly what the customer wants. I also give myself plenty of time to accomplish this in case something goes wrong. I'd rather tell the customer it's going to take longer and then have them more pleased that I was able to finish sooner.
It's like many things in life-a lot more fun when you are doing it for fun as opposed to when you have to. I made some stoppers for my wife to take to work-she sold all of them. They were made with some of the cheaper "chrome" stoppers so I didn't mind selling them cheap. However, after the customer got them home, her husband wanted 15 more-at the cheaper price. I got some of the stainless stoppers and had to make an adjustment. I admit that although turning them is and has been fun, I find that I am more focused on efficiency of process than I would be if I were turning them for pure fun. Interestingly, I enjoyed myself turning the shaving brush and razor handle-I did this as a "reward" for cranking out 7 stoppers!
I usually don't enjoy making custom orders. For some reason it always seems more difficult (must be the pressure) when there is a deadline and it has to be just so. That and getting 50% up front makes the payoff at the end less rewarding.

On the other hand, I had an order for 100 buckeye burl cigars and six months to finish. It was nice to know I could go out and make a great hourly wage whenever I wanted to make some pens. But having to fill hundreds of holes in the buckeye and then having an engraver mess up several got to be very UNenjoyable. It did make me a better turner though.
I have an order for 15 slimlines by Christmas as well as 2 others, all walnut. I should have them done by next Sat. But I tend to think of this as a challenge. Like I do when I only have one pen to turn.

And I am GRATEFUL that this customer ordered them from me...
Nearly all the pens I sell are orders. It is a worry that the customer will be happy with the final product. but most of them end up buying from me several times so it also becomes a confidence builder. I always have back up materials etc and leave myself plenty of time. The main thing I don't like is they choose a pen from a photo that looks one way and it is impossible to repeat that when it comes to wood.
I don't make pens for sale on a regular basis, but do get requests for special/custom or commissioned 3 or 4 times a year, roughly $100 - $200 per pen. I found that the two areas that caused me stress were: 1. Wanting them quickly and wanting them at lower-than-custom prices.

So, I make custom pens in my timing and a price that makes it worth my while.
I had to think about this one for a minute. I enjoy the pens I make because I want to make them more than the ordered pens. For me, it is the worry of "will it be good enough?"

The interesting part is that the custom orders always go for a higher end pen so the money is worth it.
I enjoy making pens..period. If the customer gives me a custom order, then they already know what they want and I can set up a sort of assembly line process and can make more in the same time than it would normally take to make the same number of pens.

BTW, if you don't like custom orders...send them my way. I could use the $$ to help pay for my new woodworking shop. :biggrin:
Jim, when I first started making pens, I would only make what I wanted. After several years and with my hobby turning more and more into a business, I started to make whatever was requested. It all depends on who you are making your pens for, yourself or others. I also found that some of the requests were more challenging than the pens that I was making for fun and I like a challenge.
From a full-time perspective, I love to get orders. I suppose it's not usually pens, but pipes - the effect is the same though. In fact, today, I'm wrapping up a big order for a forum pipe of the year - all the same. With big orders, I know exactly where my income is coming from for the next couple weeks to a month. With single special requests, I usually get to push my creativity in ways I that I don't normally. There's nothing but benefits there if you're a full-timer, IMO.
I like orders, they're what pay the penturning budget mostly. My largest so far was 8 medium priced pens, and it paid for my lathe. One thing I do to releive the stress of orders is to always order double what I need, or at least an extra one or two if it's pricey stuff, that way I can work without worrying too much about messing up and having to re-order stuff. I also like to think about the wage I'm making when I'm actually cranking out pens that are already sold, although it can be a little less fun, especially if it's a boring order.
What I really hate is engraved orders, as I've had two, and both of them got messed up.
I used to take custom orders but not anymore, too stressful for me because the customer always seems to want what you don`t have in stock.

Now I just make what I want to make, a lot more enjoyable.
I just love orders up to 10 pens. I really do not enjoy setting everything (drills, vice...) for 1 or 2 pens. But anthing larger than 10 would be to much, I guess. Doe I would not mind.
Thanks for all the responses. It's nice to hear there are others who feel the same way as I do. I have followed many of the suggestions everyone made about giving myself plenty of time and ordering extra kits and wood in case anything went wrong. I think as my skills improve it may be less stressful. I mostly stress over the ca/blo finish as that is the most difficult part for me. I am getting much better at the ca/blo finish but I find as I get better at it I am also getting more and more critical of my own work especially when it comes to customer orders.

It's also good to hear that there are many who enjoy doing the orders. I hope one day that I get to that point as well. However, to do that I will need to keep practicing and making pens and custom orders so, sorry, but I won't be sending any orders your way:).
I've only had a couple custom orders one was for 6 pens all different and the 2nd was for 30 slimlines in cherry engraved with a business name. In that case the customer supplied the cherry. Got a little boring but it paid for some of the ones I give away.
Congratulations on the order.. I've never had a commissioned order for pens, but have had a few for peppermills... I'll take them and do them, but most of the time I tell the customer I will need 10 to 14 days to finish the mill and shipping after that. Like you, I really prefer to make what ever I'm working, offering it finished to customers.. Commissions are too much like working a regular job again..
I'll make you guys a deal...any larger orders you don't want, send them to me and I'll take them off your hands (and give you a cut). Seriously!!!!
I have mixed feelings about commissions. With a commission I don't have the $$ tied up in inventory hoping someone will buy the pen(s).

OTOH, when I make a pen to stock and show, it's my artistry and craftsmanship they buy. That to me is a bit of an ego boost, for lack of a better way to put it. If the customer orders "That hardware and style with this blank," you are combining their artistry with yours. (Chasper started an interesting thread recently about this.) I like selling ones better that are my choices as far as style and hardware and blank combination.

Another thing I don't like about commissions is the stress about wondering if the pen will look OK to the customer. I just completed two that are substantially different in appearance even though made with the same wood the customer saw on another pen. I know it's just the difference in blanks and how they reacted to stabilization, etc, but will the customer accept that? You are never quite sure until they see the pen.

(BTW, this was a good post and thread.)
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I like custom orders. They already know they like my work, so I get to take their desires and turn them into something they get to use or give as a present. It is fun, allows me to be creative and I already know they want it. In my mind, they want it, they have looked at all the pens, etc that I make so I need to let go and trust that they will be happy. If by chance they aren't then I will just sell it at my next show. I also get lots of details from them and then use them to create the finished piece.
Custom orders are great because you know they are sold but can be stressing with shipping delays, periodic mess-ups and hoping the customer likes them. So far I have had one custom order for 64 pens and matching keychains with the majority being acrylic and engraved. Also got a second smaller order for the same customer for 7 pens and 14 keychains (same setup) which I just delivered today. I have been told that everyone is absolutely in love with my work and I will most likely get another order next year. These were all for corporate Christmas gifts. I also have another order in the quoting stage for 25 which may be rollerballs with custom engraving. I like making my own pens for fun (and sales) but I get more shop time from the wife with orders!:biggrin:
I have had 2 orders of 60 & 100 pens, all the same and engraved with a company logo, boxed. My wife was happy as we took a vacation with some of the proceeds. I agree that the fun is missing from these larger orders, but they were given to people in my company and I got about 10 more pen orders from that. That paid for more wood turning supplies. It is still a hobby, but I make sure there is enough time to complete them and I get paid in full before the engraving.
We like orders, alot. They guarantee that our hard work is rewarded.

I don't believe that these pens are less satisfying to make than an 'inventory' pen as a well-turned pen is as fun to make as any other well-turned pen. The only difference is that the customer requested a specific material and typically paid for it up front. The only potential downside with orders is that the pens are often to be made from the customer's wood. This adds an element of pressure since it cannot be replaced if 'things go bad'.
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