I had a friend bring his friend to my shop the other day. His friend came with a pen blank, glue, and a kit and wanted me to show him how to turn a pen. He is taking a wood shop class in college and the instructor turned a pen the other nite. So this guy was all geeked up about pen turning, you know the feeling
being my very nice self, i obliged. But every time I showed him how to hold the tool and do it, I wanted to run for cover or grab the damn tool from his hand, he scared me so bad. All I could think of was this is an accident waiting to happen. I don't mind doing demo's, but I really don't think I could be an instructor.
I would classify this guy as an experienced woodworker, approaching retiremnet age, but never used a lathe.
So, do any of you give lessons?
being my very nice self, i obliged. But every time I showed him how to hold the tool and do it, I wanted to run for cover or grab the damn tool from his hand, he scared me so bad. All I could think of was this is an accident waiting to happen. I don't mind doing demo's, but I really don't think I could be an instructor.
I would classify this guy as an experienced woodworker, approaching retiremnet age, but never used a lathe.
So, do any of you give lessons?