a while back, there was a cookware company giving away their silicone muffin pans. all you had to pay was shipping. Get yourself one of those and you will NEVER have to buy cups again!!!
I happened to have one lying around that my mom gave me a while back. My wife tried to make muffins with it, and didnt like the way they turned out. She offered it to me to make bottle stopper blanks with, but the cups are too wide, and not really tall enough. Then i got to looking at the cups and realized that they would be PERFECT for mixing and pouring!! (and even casting pendant blanks!) My muffin pan had 6 little muffin cups (about 4 or 5 oz. each at least) I cut them all apart, and they are AWESOME! they are flexible, so you can smush the top of the cup while you pour so it comes out in a nice thin bead, or you can just pour it and it comes out in a hurry! let the thin layer of PR set up in the cup and peel it right out and start over!
In fact, i have a practically brand new box of the solo 3 Oz. paper cups that work good, but are obsolete now.