I brought home a piece of Cherry yesterday and knew what I had but it was going to be a fight to win the piece from the tennants. It took all evening but I ended up the winner. This is just a few pieces of it and the rest is cut up into semi pen blanks. This wood is "Solid" throughout even though it doesn't look like it. It was "FULL" of carpenter ants and plenty of tunnels and voids. As soon as I cut into it the ants started to pour out. Hundreds upon hundreds. I termanated them and carried the rest to the bandsaw. When I sliced it at 1" thick they poured out again. I grabbed the wood and ran back outside. I have never seen so many ants in one place. I ended up with 5 nice pieces and alot of extreamly nice pen blanks to cast soon. There was at least 2-3 thousand ants in that piece.I think I got about 98% of them. These "Trashwood" blanks are gonna be worth it all.