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Jul 13, 2007
Martinsburg, WV, USA.
I'm one of those that usually opens IAP when I get to the office and check it periodically throughout the day. I haven't posted too much recently since I haven't been in the shop to any real measure lately. Just here and there trying to share my experiences with newer members.

What I'm disappointed by is the number of post that have pushed the line or in some cases crossed over it in terms of politics. I've even reported a few and I'm sure Curtis will use his best judgement on them, who knows maybe I'm reading too much into the posts.

I have always seen myself as very independent when it comes to politics and I point out posts that I agree with as often as those I disagree with. The reason being that Jeff has asked politics to be avoided. That means my politics too. (and I know I've been guilty of pushing the line a couple times myself when I' not careful).

So, I'm at a cross roads. Do I continue to let myself be disappointed, or do I stop paying attention. I like to think better of people that I consider friends, so instead of being disappointed I'm opting to be here less often.

Have fun guys, and keep turning.
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Mike ... Do not leave because of this type issue. Just ignore the posts of that nature and read on. However, I am somewhat in agreement with you on no politics being discussed on this the greatest PEN FORUM on the Internet. There is so much valid information here that who need politics to muddy the Forum!

The IAP policy is that no politics should be discussed here. I like the idea of this otherwise the board will be swamped immediately by everyone posting their varied opinions. Gads what a task that would be for us Forum readers and poor overworked Jeff and the rest of the most excellent moderators. I feel that they already must have their hands full all the time.

IF the board members want to discuss politics (a) either start e new political forum (what, another forum), or, (b) start a new political thread here for the IAP members ... this might get mean and nasty really quick though.

I already have two members here that made some serious remarks to me via e-mail concerning a comment I made well over a year ago, I still adhere to those comments, and I have these two individuals 'blocked out' as I don't want to read their comments or remarks. MY CHOICE TO DO THIS as I do not cater to rudeness and slander.

This is but one example of how it could get nasty and mean quickly.

So, with that line of thought done ... I "SAY" NO POLITICAL STATEMENTS AT ALL!

That's it ... set-up a poll and let everyone that is interested be polled yes/no/indifferent and do not have an area for comments. Invisible Poll ONLY! All this subject to the discretion of the site management, etc.
I understand what you mean. I have seen some threads get nasty at times and I do think our moderators do a good job of walking the fine line what it good discussion and what is hostile debate. I know that we shouldn't self moderate but what I try to do and tell others to do is if you see a thread that has the potential to get nasty, don't reply to it. Let it die. Sometimes I even take my own advice. Bad threads are not just limited to politics. We had a thread that started badly and rapidly got worse, the issue was dealt with but the post kept coming up for about 2 weeks. Feelings were hurt but had the thread been ignored after 24 hours it probably would have died and we would have been better off. Personal rule, if a thread invokes an emotional response don't respond. If after 24 hours you still feel that what you have to say can add in a good way, post your thoughts and do not respond again. End of story. Just my thoughts.
...... and the rest of the most excellent moderators. ......

If you only knew :wink:


In the end the choice is up to you. I hope you stay. I left another forum for exactly this same reason and I have not looked back. Perhaps it's the Gin N' Tonic; or maybe the Zoloft :eek: but I don't tend to let these petty things bother me anymore. One guy on this forum (who talks entirely too much) once told me that I could stand at my front door and throw rocks at him and he would never feel it. I found that to be pretty good advice but I do intend to go to flyover country someday and I WILL be bringing my rock. :beat-up:
Mike, If you see something that violates the TOS, please report it. There is just way too much for the mods to read it all no matter how hard they try. There is a little yellow triangle under the persons name and if you hit that it will send a message to the mod that covers that area. The mods are all volunteers and a little help from everyone makes it easier for them and better for all.
why would you be disappointed or upset about something so stupid as this.

c'mon really?

this thread is a waste of peoples time
I look at IAP as a large family. As such, we have our crazy aunts and uncles that we keep hidden in the attic or basement. Those are the IAP members who state political views that I disagree with. While I disagree I just say that is my crazy Uncle Joe and normally we keep him locked in the basement. Now I am probably in political trouble for referrring to locking people with mental problems up. Lock me in the attic.
That's it ... set-up a poll and let everyone that is interested be polled yes/no/indifferent and do not have an area for comments. Invisible Poll ONLY! All this subject to the discretion of the site management, etc.

Fred that was tried about a year ago and it was decided that it would be a bad idea to discuss politics in a civil manner which in truth it is. When discussing Politics and or Religion most people seem to develop a sudden onset case of Rabies, these subjects tend to bring out the worst in people.
Hey Mike,

Currently--- 63,000+ threads according to the front page.

MOST apply to penturning in one way or another.
SOME are jokes, chosen wisely or "not-so-much"
SOME may "bother" you or me.

BUT, we have a free will (not removed by government or any other means, yet). So,

ALL CAN BE IGNORED, if you wish.

So, as I have said to MANY people: Throw that rock!!! It ain't gonna hit me. The only way you can be hurt by words is to allow them to penetrate.

When people you consider friends start calling you a liar, it is neither political nor religious, but it is offensive. I have learned recently, just get over it and enjoy your OTHER friends!!

So, no you can't remove ALL the things that offend. And you don't NEED to. Just ignore them and read about PENMAKING---

This site IS just a PEN-TURNING site. Where friendships are formed---and, sometimes, destroyed.

Have a great day and none of this is aimed at you, my friend!! Nor is it aimed at the friend who will come visiting, :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:bearing rocks!!!:eek:

Now, read a few threads about PENS!!:):):)

There are thousands of threads here you will ENJOY, and a FEW you won't. BE SELECTIVE!!!
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I wouldn't spend LESS time here on the IAP forum, but rather just do what you came here for. If others are talking politics and you don't want to, then just skip that post and move on. Don't let it keep you away though. Just my opinion. It's like when I go to the grocery store. I don't eat brussels sprouts, so I pass them by and grab the foods I do enjoy. I don't stay away from a particular grocery store because they sell brussels sprouts though...
I agree with Fred. IAP is too good of a site to let things bother you too much. I learned that the hard way.
I guess I just ignore the ignorant now, because I cannot even recall the posts you are referring to.(bad sentence)
I guess I don't read enough posts or things easily just go over my head but I haven't seen anything even remotely political in quite some time so........either the threads in question have been deleted or I'm guessing yo are reading too much into comments.

This "one big happy IAP family" is just a myth, all of us will not always get along, like the same things or agree on hot topics the majority of time and that includes politics.

I wouldn't slow down my visits just because of some morons with their little agendas.
Sorry. NO thank you. I left two others because "the masses" spoke and they loaded up with BS. I have no patience for politics. If I want to talk that, I'll find a forum set up for it. But I don't....

I love creating pens.
Loose the politics. I am glad they don't appear or when they do, they are cut out right away. Another site, not related to wood working, allows a thread for just that topic. Most other members avoid even looking at it and I consider it useless garbage.
Thanks guys, I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds it discouraging to see it. I think it would all be better if people would think before they type, I know that's what has happened when I nudge that line in the past.

Now, back to our pen turning channel.

Working on a new experiment.
There have been far to many cases where things got heated really fast especially with politics. In general If I want to talk politics I will talk with a friend in my home town, casual chat with them, however I refrain from political statements on here because it is again a pen forum. I know of several instances where things did not end well because someone got angry.

Just let it go right on past you.
Thanks guys, I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds it discouraging to see it. I think it would all be better if people would think before they type, I know that's what has happened when I nudge that line in the past.

Now, back to our pen turning channel.

Working on a new experiment.

Well... what is it?!
Don't worry about it Mike. It's no big deal at all. People have passions, some are for politics. It's always going to be there somewhere in your life, and you will always have the option of just ignoring it or changing the channel. It is not something that should get under your skin at all...just go to a new post or change the tv to a new channel and see or what what you want.
What I'm disappointed by is the number of post that have pushed the line or in some cases crossed over it in terms of politics. I've even reported a few and I'm sure Curtis will use his best judgement on them, who knows maybe I'm reading too much into the posts.

So, I'm at a cross roads. Do I continue to let myself be disappointed, or do I stop paying attention. I like to think better of people that I consider friends, so instead of being disappointed I'm opting to be here less often.

Have fun guys, and keep turning.

Nothing gets people dander up more than politics and religious conversations. I personally try and just ignore any conversations of either because if I decide to make a comment I know I'm going to get someone riled up. Besides as people don't respond to threads of that nature it will decrease the amount of people that post them.
What's the BEST way to do a CA finish?


IMHO... CA can only be applied on Wednesday evenings, between 6:30 and 8:00 EST pm , while wearing yellow socks and sandals, USING BOUNTY select-a-size paper towels,(DON'T even THINK of using blue shop towels), while chanting Butch's chant ..(Ohwa..ta.Goo..Siam) and you MUST call the precursor to CA.. Boiled Linseed Oil.. If you call it anything else your finish will BLO.

Of course, that is just my opinion..I could be wrong.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

oops, we are into the "finish" hour, I MUST GO!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Your Milage May Vary!
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