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Gary Max

Oct 30, 2004
Southern Kentucky
Yup Plywood---I had to buy two sheets of 3/4 OSB today.
You ain't going to believe this but $30.00 per sheet.
Darn glad I ain't building a house.
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Used to go up like crazy just prior/after a hurricane down here 'til they passed a price gouging law. Too bad it doesn't apply to other times too. I bought a sheet of T-111 to use for a new roof for the pump house of my pool pump today. $30 also... last sheet lasted about 10 years with latex paint. This ones going to get a full treatment of wood preservative prior to painting to see if I can get more life from it. Got to save my money for buying casings from you eh? :D
The price is crazy. I use alot of higher end Plywood for prototype patterns and the cost is hard to explain to the customer unless they know how prices have skyrocketed. Even OSB is high.
The price of plywood has been steadily rising for the past few years. Before I retired I worked for an export packing company that used plywood by the truck load.. and sometimes if we could get a deal, by the rail car load.. it actually became cheaper for us to import our plywood from Brazil than to buy locally, even though it was probably the same wood being brokered... I brought in about 80 container loads (40' containers) over the last 18 months I was working. Our plant was 4 blocks from the Georgia Pacific distribution center, but still bought from Brazil.
We used regular CDX plywood, not OSB.

I'll age myself, but I had my own company with a couple of partners a few years back (mid 80's) and we were complaining about buying plywood at $6 a sheet.

Also saw a news blurb on yahoo about illegal logging... People are actually stealing whole trees off other people's property.. one woman lost over $50,000 worth of oak off her property. States are starting to react to this by passing new laws against the practice.. it's gotta be tough to steal a whole tree.
Don't laugh too hard about making pens from OSB. I ran across a pen turner in his mid-80s at a gun show last fall that had an unusual pen on his table. When I asked what it was made of he said "you'll never guess... it's OSB!" I'm sure he must have used a lot of dust and CA or other filler material to get it nice and smooth. It really looked pretty nice, relative to some of his other creations.
You could make pens from corn cobs and OSB and keep busy just doing that.
Anyway the price of OSB has went from about $21.00 to $30.00 in the last 6 months.
We are seeing these kind of price increases in everything from Milk to (you name it)
From where I am sitting it doesn't look like this trend has a end.
You should move to Canada, and then you could pay even more for the plywood. I can remeber once I lived in a small towh where the biggest business was lumber, including plywood. It was cheaper to drive 3 hours to the nearest city and buy it, than buying it in town, and that included your gas.

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