Desperate house wifes

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Jan 26, 2007
palmdale, ca.
I'm sitting here at the kitchen table with my wife and a cup of coffe while browsing pictures of the pens.
Her question to me was if there is a club for our wifes (penturners) seems like the only way to spend time with me is to go to the shop while I'm working on pens or something related. Cuddle next to me while posting here or talk about the people who wants to buy pens from me. Long story short I guess I'm spending a bit too much time with my pens.
Am I alone here?
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Originally posted by alxe24
<br />Long story short I guess I'm spending a bit too much time with my pens.
Am I alone here?

You just may be .... "alone there"..... if you're putting your penturning ahead of your wifey.
We've been married 37 years. When people ask my wife how our marriage has lasted so long, her reply is, "We both never wanted divorced at the same time." [;)]
In the first year of our marriage, I told her not to make me choose between her and my hobby at the time which was racing slotcars, that she would loose. I spent many hours a week totally absorbed in them toy cars and travel the Midwest to race them.
My two daughters, the oldest of 3 children, grew up basically in hobby shops and slorcar racing joints. This went on for about the first 5 years of our marriage. She stuck beside me the whole time. I finally realized what that statement really meant, especially to her. I had been putting something of no real lasting value before the most valuable thing in my life, my wife and family. I then got out of the hobby and sold all my stuff and concentrated on making the "lost years" up to her. Today, as much as I enjoy turning pens they in no way can give me the amount of enjoyment I receive from my wife!!! As for turning, since I am not asorbed in it, she realizes I use it as a creative outlet, a way to relieve stress so she understands when I tell her I am heading downstairs for awhile. Though not married as long as Al and his wife, 28 years is a milestone in this day and age and we look forward to many, many more!!! I understand more and more why it is called the "golden years" as one gets on in life. Things such as one's marriage becomes even more precious. She does take enjoyment in my penturning, she says it is because I made them. When I get excited over a new accomplishment, so doe she. When I have problems with something (like segmenting!!) she is there to encourage me to try again. So I guess, in a way, my wife, besides being a now being a vital part of my life, is an important part of my turning also![:)]
ME too...Beautifully said and you have a great partner..

My wife is my biggest fan and I make sure she sees and handles every pen I make.. she's also my truest critic. We celebrated 15 the 2007 SW Pen Gathering..
When I spend time in the shop, It gives her time to read or catch up on things. Before I started turning, I was doing general woodworking. That would keep me in the shop for hours as well. If she gets too boared, she will usually let me know. Some days she tells me to find something to do because I am driving her nuts sitting around the house. We have been together for 17 years and try to find things to do together, but it can be hard. Our latest thing is going to the gym, where we separate and work out. I know, It doesn't make that much sense to me either. And some times, we just need to get away from each other!
My wife of 19 years we've been best friends for about 25 just finished radiation treatments a couple weeks ago. The prognosis is for a full recovery and return to life as before by summer. Its a sobering thing to realize the person you wanted to share your world with is seriously ill. It makes you take a look at what is really important and value the time spent together. I cherish the time we spend together even more now when I thought it might be cut short. When live gets busy I make an extra effort to take a few minutes every day just to hold let her know how I feel. As much enloyment as I get from my work and hobbies there is nothing half so wonderful as just sitting together and listening to the sounds of our kids. Its funny but we always get an EEEWWW! from our girls when we hold hands or grab a quick kiss but they always work their way into the embrace soon after. I am truly blessed with a wonderful family and look forward for many more years of joy.
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