Decent Idea

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May 16, 2019

This seems like a decent idea, especially folks like me whose bench doesn't have room on either side for a woodworkers' vice and who can't put one on the front (I've got rolling cabinets under the bench). But I feel like I could build the same thing with a few bucks' worth of t track an some plywood. Woodpeckers is great for stuff that requires a high level of precision and machining. But this thing that they offer seems a bit over-engineered to me. What am I missing?
There are so many do it yourself tricks and jigs and alot are shown on utube. But mostly if you think outside the box you can come up with something. I know myself I work on a project and may have to invent jigs to clamp, cut things, build things and I am able to think on my feet and solve the problem. Just something that carried over from my days in the trades working as a construction electrician and all the situations we would get into. I have been exposed to many good woodworkers over the years as well as many tradespeople. Sure does play a role in what I do.
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