I would expect that if you want ants, you have to go outside and collect them yourself. I'm thinking it's going to take a while to collect them, dry them and cast them in a way that they will be obvious..ie gluing them to a tube. Right now is a good time to gather up lady bugs though. Just go outside and shake the siding..there's sure to be thousands, maybe tens of thousands of them in every house right now..hibernating till spring. You search inside of things outside and you can find some bees too...hibernating, that's the best time to collect them I'm sure! I know there's bees in the siding and up inside the railing posts. If you put up a bunch of pipes with caps on them ouside in the fall, suspended so things can go up inside and stay out of the wind and rain, then you will have all kinds of critters to collect in the winter. I refuse to go into the killing aspect, but the drying aspect is simple..just let them sit in the air and they dry within a few weeks easy.