I have a dead dogwood tree in my backyard that needs to come down. Not sure how it died- one day it was OK and then, leaves didn't come out and part of the bark (no puns here, OK?) is coming off. I'm thinking lightning kill but there are trees around it that are over 75 feet tall and they are OK. There is one tree that has a broken branch just hanging- maybe lightning and then to the dogwood?
Would it be salvageable for blanks or other turning? When I cut it, what should I look for in the wood or grain? It is about 16 inches in diameter at the ground. Thanks. Hate to turn into firewood.
Would it be salvageable for blanks or other turning? When I cut it, what should I look for in the wood or grain? It is about 16 inches in diameter at the ground. Thanks. Hate to turn into firewood.