Well i have decided to quit smoking. Today will be day two with no cigarettes. I have quit a couple of times before, but always ended up smoking again. Once i quit for over 4 months, and one little cigarette at a 9-ball tourney ended that.
Anyway, I could use some inspiring words, or stories of people that have quit... I have smoked since i was 12 years old and I am one month away from 35 so it is past time to stop, but it is incredibly difficult. almost every thought is about a smoke. Even when i stay busy, i think about a cigarette.
This is the first time i have quit cold turkey, and never realized how much the treatments help!
Anyway, I could use some inspiring words, or stories of people that have quit... I have smoked since i was 12 years old and I am one month away from 35 so it is past time to stop, but it is incredibly difficult. almost every thought is about a smoke. Even when i stay busy, i think about a cigarette.
This is the first time i have quit cold turkey, and never realized how much the treatments help!