Damaged part -jr gent

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Jan 14, 2012
Newberry FL 32669
Amyone know where I can buy the black female thread for a jr gent 2? I had to disassemble a coffe bean blank ( never will I turn one of these again!) and damaged the plastic thread insert in the process. Thanks for any advice you can offer.
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I think I might have one or two I'll check , if not call CSUSA, they are pretty good at replacing a small part that we screw up. I'll let you know in a while I'm not where I can check now.
Awesome ... Let me know. I can't seem to disassemble a gent withou messing up the plastic thread so also hoping someone chimes in on that as well
Those damn jr. Gent kits have been such a problem for me with the exact part you are talking about. I have had 3 break on me and one was a customer's. CSUSA is good about replacing them though. Make sure you tell them you specifically that you need a new center band coupler. They sent me the wrong part because I didn't get specific enough. I think those plastic threads are just junk.
I make sure when I disassemble a cap, the top end with the clip comes off first, using the largest punch that EASILY fits through the threads (it should wiggle a bit...). Then I use the largest punch that will fit down the tube, This one should be as snug as possible but still move freely, you don't want to distort the tube, but you want to be sure you are pushing the threads out evenly and with as much of the force on the leading edge of the plastic insert, NOT just the threads. I also use a hammer on the punch and only hold the cap with my hand. It often takes many hits with the hammer to fully remove it, but by holding the blank in my hand it allows it to slip a bit so the insert doesn't get too much force exerted on it all at once. I've never had the insert damaged this way...
I have had the same trouble with the female center band threads, unfortunately I did not get them from CUSA and the guy I got them from said, Yeah that happens, that I why I don't make those anymore. So why didn't you tell me that before I bought 6 of them?
Fortunately or not these went to my wife, so it is either better or worse than it could be.
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