The big black ones. Altho they are amazing in one respect. Was out in the back yard & the ground was quivering with them. Normally you see a narrow path of them but this one was at least 4 ft. wide & wider. The yard is 140 ft across [they sarted about 8-10 ft inside] & went 50-60 ft outside the yard. Normally there are only that many of them around the ant bed. They were thicker than I've ever seen. I've got one area that I haven't sterilized & the rains brought me a weed patch. That's where they were going from the bed outside the yard. How the heck do they know where to go & get back. I saw them a couple of days ago then that night we got another good rain, & they're back. Seems the rain would change their direction, wash their path out. I found the other end of their hole in the weed patch when I was spraying. So I got the weed sprayer out & loaded it with bug spray. This is stuff you can't buy in a store. Strong stuff for farmers. 1/16 oz per gallon of water. The sprayer is 2 gallon so I put about 1/2 oz & sprayed the little buggars. By the time I had sprayed the whole thing, the ones that were where I started were almost all dead. Strong stuff. But it's amazing how they go so far for a 'mouthfull' of food & the distance they travel.