The latest issue of Creative Woodworks and Crafts is on shelves starting today. People with subscriptions have already received their copies. Please don't see this as advertising that I want everyone to run out and purchase a copy. I don't make any more money if more copies sell. I have the opportunity to write more articles related to scrolling pens, beyond this article and the next issue as well. What I am asking for is for feedback about the CCW article in this issue. The Woodturning design was not written by me, and although feedback on that would be great, feedback on the CCW is what I am most interested in. I would like to know if people find the article interesting and useful to their future scrolling and turning ventures. Is the article easy to follow? If not, why? Does it seem to complicated or do I explain it well enough for you to understand how simple it really is? Is there anything else you think of...editing, layout, pictures whatever that you think should be better, or perhaps everything is sweet as pie and if that is the case, I'd like to hear about that too. I wish to deliver articles that are interesting and well taught so that people will want to keep reading and will not be left with several questions when they are finished and also not be intimidated by the project. Keeping information to myself is obviously better for my personal pocket book, but I prefer seeing people put my practices to work for themselves, coming up with new inovative ways and designs on their own. There is a feeling of pride that comes from accomplishing a task yourself that does not come when you simply purchase and spin it on your own. I still welcome everyone to purchase blanks from me, but I want people to know that I am willing to assist them in making their own should they have the time and desire to do so. I hope all this makes sense to people. It's much more difficult to type your point than speak it in person. Thank you.