Custom Board Games

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Jan 2, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey, I bought a cheap game at target the other day just because. Boy, did I ever open up a can!! The game is Kalah (Mancala) and boy is it addictive. Our whole family (me, my wife, 3 oldest kids) have played it non-stop the last week. AND, since I am prepping for a small craft show in November, it made me think of how easy it would be to make a few and sell them. I guess I have two questions.

#1 Do any of you make custom board games? Could you share your experiences? Favorite woods, finishes for flat surfaces?

#2 Do you know of any regional or folk style board games that could be made in a modest workshop. An example that comes to mind is an English game called Fox and Geese. It requires a simple board and pieces that I could make. If for no other reason, my family loves playing together and it would be neat to make the games that we spend time with.

Thanks, DJ
That brings back good memories. My father and I would play Mancala all the time when I was a young kid. I still remember the look on his face when he realized I'd figured out a counter for one of his plays that always beat me. I don't remember the moves after @ 25 years, but I'll never forget that look - a priceless mix of pride, surprise, and anger. It was likely my own young pride that saw a touch of fear as well. :biggrin: Good luck with the boards.
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