Curly Ambrosia maple / Douglas Fir / Black walnut

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Jun 1, 2004
Smithfield, VA, USA.
It has been too hot here to spend much time on the lathe, so I did some turning. For everyone who has been told you cannot turn pine, I give you 2 douglas fir bowls. The middle rear is a salad bowl of ambrosia maple (with a little curl) and the front is a black walnut hollow form.

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Yeah, the Maple is a beautiful piece of wood, and the Douglas Fir bowls look good and useful, but that Walnut piece is the most impressive to my eye. They are all worth bragging about![^][^]
Thank you;
The maple has to be one of the most impressive pieces of wood I have turned so far.
The douglas fir was a great learning experiance. I would recommend it to anyone. Patience and sharp tools are required, but the results are unique.
The Black Walnut was a practice piece, I have to work on the boat with the impending storm, but after that I plan to have some more pieces up soon!
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