This is a great example of resurrection technology; it is using new technology to simulate old technology. Like watching a video on YouTube to learn how to do blacksmithing. This particular resurrection tech has those of us all over the catalog/online industry scratching our heads about why it works.
People of a certain mindset like to go online and shop, but when it comes time to buy they want to page through a catalog. It is not at all uncommon for them to come to a site, shop around a while, and end up requesting that a paper catalog be mailed to them. I understand that behavior, I think they want some physical assurance that a legitimate company exists behind the web site. But then when they receive the paper catalog, some of them go online to the site and page through the online version while also paging through the hard copy.
The only explanation that I have is that they seem to prefer turning pages to clicking on icons for product categories as a means of navigating through a product offer. In any case it isn’t for everyone, but shoppers of a certain mindset seem to need it to spur them to order. I have found that the buyers who order from the online catalog tend to be incremental buyers. They aren’t previous online shoppers who are not now navigating via the online catalog before placing orders. They aren’t paper catalog shoppers who are going online and shopping out of the catalog. They are inactive customers who need catalog, online, and online catalog to get them to place an order.