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Sep 24, 2006
Tellico Plains, Tennessee, USA.
Has anyone looked at the new "Interactive" catalog from CSUSA... it like having the paper catalog on line and you browse through it page by page.. If you don't know what page you need, it's a pain to thumb through... Maybe if they will put page tabs like the paper catalog might work..
bottom line, it's a PIA to work through.. not a good move.
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I got the e-mail, but due to time required to run the Pen Mill group buy did not have time to check it out. I did not try them but thought the links on the left would take you to a catagory at least. of course there would still be pages to sort through. I don't think it would work well on the computer I am on at the moment as it is really slow.
Page 139 has an index. It doesn't appear to be interactive but it should give you some indication of which pages to look at.

I may have to try it since I can't seem to get a paper copy of the catalog. Several months ago I got the email saying it was on the way - no catalog. I sent an email to them saying that I hadn't got it yet. No reply, no catalog. So I went to their website and requested one. Still no catalog. Guess they don't like me.:(

Paul in AR
Originally posted by pssherman

I may have to try it since I can't seem to get a paper copy of the catalog. Several months ago I got the email saying it was on the way - no catalog. I sent an email to them saying that I hadn't got it yet. No reply, no catalog. So I went to their website and requested one. Still no catalog. Guess they don't like me.:(

Paul in AR
Sounds like grizzly:(
Neat concept. I thought the "Thumbnail" button allowed for quick browsing. I always pull my own catalog out when I want to do some searching, so I'll probably continue to use the website the old way. I usually know what I want anyways when I go there.
This is a great example of resurrection technology; it is using new technology to simulate old technology. Like watching a video on YouTube to learn how to do blacksmithing. This particular resurrection tech has those of us all over the catalog/online industry scratching our heads about why it works.

People of a certain mindset like to go online and shop, but when it comes time to buy they want to page through a catalog. It is not at all uncommon for them to come to a site, shop around a while, and end up requesting that a paper catalog be mailed to them. I understand that behavior, I think they want some physical assurance that a legitimate company exists behind the web site. But then when they receive the paper catalog, some of them go online to the site and page through the online version while also paging through the hard copy.

The only explanation that I have is that they seem to prefer turning pages to clicking on icons for product categories as a means of navigating through a product offer. In any case it isn’t for everyone, but shoppers of a certain mindset seem to need it to spur them to order. I have found that the buyers who order from the online catalog tend to be incremental buyers. They aren’t previous online shoppers who are not now navigating via the online catalog before placing orders. They aren’t paper catalog shoppers who are going online and shopping out of the catalog. They are inactive customers who need catalog, online, and online catalog to get them to place an order.
I also am having trouble recieving a hard copy of the catalog I guess the mail carriers like to create stuf as well (joking).

The reason I like hard catalogs is when I am trying to compare kits and prices it is easier to turn a page on your lap then to wait for pages to refresh. Also comes in as a handy reference.

One of these days I will eventually get a hard copy but until then I guess this might help.
I, too, had that same problem with trying to get a catalog from CSUSA. I tried the online form, and had even gotten the e-mail several days later informing me that it had been sent. Nothing. :( Tried again, and still nothing. [8] Finally I just called customer service and requested a catalog to be sent via first class mail. I had it in three days! :D[8D] Good luck! [:p]
Now, they need to figure out a way to turn down pages and circle things that you are thinking about buying.
I went to their site and it looked the same.
Can someone send me a link to the new concept?
Originally posted by pssherman

I may have to try it since I can't seem to get a paper copy of the catalog. Several months ago I got the email saying it was on the way - no catalog. I sent an email to them saying that I hadn't got it yet. No reply, no catalog. So I went to their website and requested one. Still no catalog. Guess they don't like me.:(

Paul in AR

I requested a catalog from Louis Iturra (Bandsaw Guru) 4 times in the past two years, purchased some stuff from him and I still can't get a dang catalog.:(

From my experience with CSUSA, it seems they print there catalog once a year. they also seem to have trouble having enough each year. I have waited months to get one before. I also seem to be one of the last to get one each year which must happen automatically if you have ordered from them. being a Yourdon I can understand the end of the list thing. I have had to request a new catalog once or twice. Last time I really griped so I think I am a lifetime subscriber now.
After posting in this forum I was contacted by Craft Supplies to appologize for any trouble I have had in getting a copy of the catalog.

He took the time to read this forum and noticed my post and personally took the time to respond and after providing my address to let me know it was mailed.

I know everyone says nice things about them all the time. I like to know that one of the companies that sells to us will take the time to respond and correct such a minor issue as not receiving a catalog.

I am still new to all of this and have never ordered from them before but I know where I will be getting some kits in the future.
Craft Supplies really does pay attention here. I think a few other suppliers do also but I have seen Craft Supplies respond more than any other company. It really is nice to have them a part of our community. This is also not the first time I have heard of them step up to address an issue, no matter how minor. They have several extra stars with me just for being involved.
Originally posted by Daniel

Craft Supplies really does pay attention here. I think a few other suppliers do also but I have seen Craft Supplies respond more than any other company. It really is nice to have them a part of our community. This is also not the first time I have heard of them step up to address an issue, no matter how minor. They have several extra stars with me just for being involved.
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