Credit cards

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Wild Turkey

Sep 30, 2008
I am certian there are some of you out there that do enough shows that you are set up to accept credit cards. My question is what service or company do you use that you have had good results with. Am not looking at investing hundreds of dollars in equipment to sell a $75 pen using a credit card. Am starting to have enough customeres askingif I accept credit cards that this is going to be a given thing I will have to do. thanks for you responeses.
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I use Propay, which i was turned onto by IAP, and have been very happy. You can call in the credit card info by phone if you are at a site with now power or wireless set-up, you can log onto their website and enter the info that way or thirdly you can purchase a small flash type memory swiper for $100 that stores the info for up to 75 ( I think) sales.

I started using Propay this fall and boosted my sales by about 25%....I also noticed that folks charging tend to spend more than if they were paying with cash or writing a check.

good luck
Another vote here for Propay..
I have used propay for several years now, and am very happy with the service.
At least half of my sales are CC.
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