Here's a pretty cool tip - you can do a quick an easy nation-wide search of all Craig's List listings through Google by typing in whatever you're looking for followed by a space and the words "site:craigslist.org" (without the quotes) into the Google search-window. For example, "oneway lathe site:craigslist.org" yields a boat-load of very cool ads for world-class lathes. Try "pen kits site:craigslist.org" or "woodturning site:craigslist.org" and see what comes up. The only down-side is that the Google site-crawler may be a few days behind, and not have picked up the latest ad posts. So most of what you'll see through these searches will be a few days to a month or two old.
This Google search process will work for any site - check out "yoyospin siteenturners.org" for example.
This Google search process will work for any site - check out "yoyospin siteenturners.org" for example.
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