Craft Supply Mach3 Razors

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Oct 24, 2018
Western NY
I have been having problems with some Mach3 heads. The blade sticks when trying to remove it. Then I try to pull on the blade a little or push harder on the release button and the mechanism pushes out of the holder. I am not sure if the mechanism is glued in or just a press fit. Once it is pushed out you can push it back in the holder but it is not tight enough to eject the blade. Any one else have a problem with these razors?
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Can you post a photo of what you're talking about?

The Mach3 razor heads from Craft Supplies (in my experience) screw on to the head of the handle. The top and bottom of the handle attach through the turned body of the razor handle via a threaded rod.

If the cartridge is not ejecting then I would think there's potentially an issue with the button mechanism. It may be full of shaving cream or just defective.
Here is a picture. You can see the mechanism that holds the blade is pressed into the piece that threads onto the handle. I didn't realize this was two pieces until it came apart. These are unused razors I am trying to sell.


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so it's not an issue with the actual razor handle and head that you ordered from Craft Supplies, it's an issue with the razor and the button? I might try a different Mach3 head from an entirely different package and see if that helps.

I love the handle, nice job too!
I've sold well over 100 of these exact razors. As I sell them I pop out the Mach 3 cartridge and replace it. It works unless dropped.
This is the third one from a batch that I bought earlier this year. My wife is the one usually setting up and taking down the razors and she was complaining about some of them sticking. I didn't worry about it too much until these three have come apart. I need to go through all of them and see which ones are sticky. I have contacted Craft Supply but have not gotten a reply yet. I may have to call them and see if I can get some replacements.
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