Count the views!

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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
No, I don't have time (nor did I keep the statistics) to COUNT the views and entries that have been made since I left the office and my internet access Friday night. But, I can calculate that about Forty-Two hours have passed.

In that time, THOUSANDS, possibly TEN THOUSAND times, these threads have been viewed. And HUNDREDS of posts were made.

When I left Friday, everyone was "playing nice" in the sandbox. Some casual conversation going on that had the potential of going downhill, but ALL WAS WELL in the kingdom.

Today, I get here to read the forum and find there have been handsful of sand thrown. Since I can't SEE the first offending thread, I have merely been able to read the "follow-up editorials".

Gentlemen, and ladies, this community has a skirmish from time to time. (SURPRISE) Call it "Holiday dinner". New people move in, old members become less active, the over-all "community" evolves. AND, some of the history becomes legend and we all KNOW legends are BIGGER THAN LIFE.

But, in a couple threads, people got real FRANK (no, not Rifleman, the OTHER frank). THIS HAPPENS. A couple times a year, close as I can figure. IT IS OUR RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH.


Dozens of other "Threads" (Internet equivalent of conversation) continue. A nice birthday party going on in the topic next door. NEW members introducing themselves in another "block". Buying and selling going on in the marketplace - ALL of THESE neighborhoods are friendly. So, for those who are willing to SEE it, the community is moving in a positive direction.


Let's not look at "Old" members and "New" members, let's just see "MEMBERS". Some of us know each other better (or we think we do) and will UNDERSTAND comments differently than if we did NOT know each other. If you think that's cliquish, consider it may, instead be called "friendship" (which develops over TIME).

When weighing internet speech, I have said to MANY, "You can't throw a rock and hit me!" What I mean by this is simple: You will never physically damage me in these internet exchanges. So, whatever you SAY can be ignored, if I don't like it.

<center>I WAS ASKED YESTERDAY:</center>

"Did you go down to Kenosha to SEE the houses that were flattened by the January tornado?"

I responded: "NO - What could I have DONE to make those folks' lives better???" I don't think they needed ME to view their tragedy.

We get traffic snarled to SEE a WRECK. So, when there is concentration on the threads that are a WRECK, it should be no surprise. But please DON'T generalize. The IAP is NOT a WRECK. A couple of cars collided, no one was injured and the "traffic" in the surrounding neighborhoods is moving along well.

There is NO traffic cop that can STOP every WRECK. Just, move on!!!

Thanks for reading
(One of the "old" guys who WELCOMES "new" guys and really welcomes ANY girls!!!)

POSITIVE comments invited.

If you are tempted to add negative feedback, PM me instead.
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Can you say that in English please. You have talked in so many circles that I'm dizzy. [}:)]
Originally posted by Mudder

Can you say that in English please. You have talked in so many circles that I'm dizzy. [}:)]

It IS in English, sorry I don't speak Con net ic cut!!

How bout dem Packers?????
Great example of what "being friends" has to do with posting.

Mudder (Scott) and I talk regularly on the phone and he is a Packer fan!!
Well said. Being somewhat of a newbie I was watching how some of the conversations evolved and got a little worried.
Glad to see that it seems to have "turned".

I appreciate your analogy.

Again well said!
Originally posted by ed4copies

Thanks for reading
(One of the "old" guys who WELCOMES "new" guys and really welcomes ANY girls!!!)

POSITIVE comments invited.
Nicely said Ed. As one of the new guys thanks for a positive view on here.

BTW - I don't know if you'll take this as a positive comment or not, but WOW that line above sounds JUST like my dad.

All Wise men sound similar!!!

(No, I was NOT one of the Wise men who visited a child in Bethlehem for my many friends who are looking forward to posting that question!!)
Ed is this another way to increase your post count?

Wait that negative?


I think we all should play nice in the pool.

Ed is this another way to increase your post count?


Going home now, you guys try not to hurt each other while I am gone!!!
Originally posted by ed4copies

You will never physically damage me in these internet exchanges.

I don't know about the rest of the people on here, but I was blinded by that mug/mug photo. That is physical damage. Then just as my sight was returning, I began to wander the "what do you look like" thread. My corneas we melted beyond repair from Lou's before and after shots! So my good friend Mr. Brown, I must beg to differ as there are post that CAN do real physical harm!

All comments are in jest, no accusation real or imagined are intended. All resemblances of real people are strictly coincidental.[:p]
Originally posted by ed4copies

No, I don't have time (nor did I keep the statistics) to COUNT the views and entries that have been made since I left the office and my internet access Friday night. But, I can calculate that about Forty-Two hours have passed.

In that time, THOUSANDS, possibly TEN THOUSAND times, these threads have been viewed. And HUNDREDS of posts were made.

This may be the chicken or the egg question, but did things fall apart because Ed was not here or was Ed not being here the reason we got tens of thousands of hits [?][?][?][?][?][?][?][?]
Originally posted by ed4copies

Great example of what "being friends" has to do with posting.

Mudder (Scott) and I talk regularly on the phone and he is a Packer fan!!

I don't get it. Both you and Mudder told me I couldn't call because you guys don't have telephones. [:0][:0]
Originally posted by DocStram

Originally posted by ed4copies

Great example of what "being friends" has to do with posting.

Mudder (Scott) and I talk regularly on the phone and he is a Packer fan!!

I don't get it. Both you and Mudder told me I couldn't call because you guys don't have telephones. [:0][:0]

East Al,

I now have your address and I can punch it into my Garmin and be at your doorstep in a day or two :D
Ed, this was one of the best posts I've read in a while now. Very well said, and I think the examples and analogies used are dead on. Hopefully it will help us keep things in perspective.
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