Contest Suggestions Needed

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Dec 12, 2003
Blackfoot Idaho
Hi Everybody! We have been approached by one of our trusted suppliers to do some kind of contest or give-away for those of us who can’t get away to the Penturners Rendezvous next month, on the 20th of June.

I was able to attend the first two Penturner Rendezvous, and I have to tell you, it is just great to be able to get together with other penturners and spend the evening immersed in our favorite activity. But the reality of it is that most of us will not be able to travel to Provo Utah to participate in the Rendezvous.

Those who do attend the Rendezvous will be subjected to so many prizes and give-aways that almost no one will leave empty-handed. We believe the rest of us, left behind here at home, deserve some free stuff as well!

We need some suggestions for a fun contest or drawing that will allow us to distribute a number of donated prizes. I enjoy doing the Ugly Pen Contest, but that works better in January for the Birthday Bash, when we have more time. A Trivia Contest is also great fun, but Becca is already running a monthly trivia. So what can we do to have some light-hearted fun, and give some stuff away? Maybe we could do something that would relate back to the supplier who is sponsoring our give-away, Ernie at Beartooth Woods. Or maybe we should do something that is just fun!

So come on! Give me your best suggestions! You can even give me your worst suggestions! Don’t be worried by the fact that I keep track of these things for future blackmail! Jump right in and lets have some fun!

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One that Darrick does before that always gets a lot of participation is "guess the number" Maybe you can make something similar to it.
Guess the mystery pen.

You choose a pen (say from any album at IAP). We all guess it...the closest one will win.

For example things that one can earn points on are:
23 Pen kit name (Jr Gent II, Twist Jr Gent, Cigar, slimline, Sierra, etc.)
08 style (RB, BP, Pencil)
17 Plating (Chrome, 10K, 24K, TN gold, PL/Rho, Black TN, etc)
04 Blank type (Wood, synthetic)
36 Blank name (amboyna, maple, carribean swirl, casted cactus, etc)
12 etc.
100 points

Too much work to compile though...but you can delegate it (determining the point). All you have to do is post the pen afterwards and every one who submitted can calculate their own points. You just have to verify if the winning claim is correct ;)
Originally posted by Chuck Key
<br />#2. Name the contest contest.


I like it! [:D] But I may just have to donate a selection from my private stash of pen blanks for this prize!

So far I am leaning towards some of Dario's suggestions, and we all know that Dario doesn't NEED any of my pen blanks! So jump right in with those contest suggestions! [;)]

For those of 'us' that are too lazy to come up with a brilliant contest suggestion, how about the old standby of a random draw[?][:D]

Rube Goldberg pen.

Mixed kit pen (best looking pen made from parts of different kits)

Scrap box pen (best looking pen made from parts from your scrap box)
Making a pen that uses non traditional material or desinging a pen using parts from different kits is fantastic if you have the time to do it or the knowledge and equipment. But that leaves out all the people that don't have the time or knowledge to do that. This is suppose to be for everyone that does not have the "time" to get to the Rendezvous.
Hi Everybody! We have been approached by one of our trusted suppliers to do some kind of contest or give-away for those of us who can’t get away to the Penturners Rendezvous next month, on the 20th of June.

Why not combine choosing a number and random drawing. Everyone that replies with a number gets put into a "hat", you draw 10 names and the 3 or 4 (how many prizes there are) that are closest win.
How about, stupidest thing you ever did while making a pen. Everyone can tell their stupid stunt and then everyone votes on who was the stupidest.
Should be good for some laughs and a warning to those of us that thought about doing some of those things but haven't actually got around to trying it yet.
How about posting a picture of a distinctive part from say each of 10 different kits(or maybe a few less) and then ask for the correct identification of the kits??
Originally posted by airrat
Why not combine choosing a number and random drawing. Everyone that replies with a number gets put into a "hat", you draw 10 names and the 3 or 4 (how many prizes there are) that are closest win.

I agree with Tom. Why not draw a number or something like this since this is supposed to be for the ones of us that do not have the time to go to Provo. I for one am super tied up with personal life, work and pen business. This is my busiest year in ALL of these categories and I'm sure I'm not alone. Just my 2 cents.
It says contest or give-away.

Hi Everybody! We have been approached by one of our trusted suppliers to do some kind of contest or give-away for those of us who can’t get away to the Penturners Rendezvous next month, on the 20th of June.

With doing the pens for the center for the intrepid and trying to keep up with everything else, work, my son, pens, my son, bottle stoppers, my son, I don't have time to go to the rendezvous. I cannot go to the rendezvous and like Mark and don't have alot of time to make some creative pen. Does that mean members like that should be left out of "a contest or give-away for those of us who can't get away"?

edited to try to word it so it does not come across harsh in any way, please don't take it as harsh just discussion.
If you want to have a contest then I believe people should be challenged a little and have to "work" for a prize. If you don't have the time, I'm sorry but everyone is busy so I think that's a poor excuse. We all seem to have the time to hang out and post here.

If you just want it to be a give-away where nobody has to do anything then why not just pick random names from the membership roster or draw names from the people who posted in the last year, or month.

Although I seem to be confrontational it is not my intention, I read the thread title as Contest Suggestions Needed.
Depending on the number of prizes to be given away, you can have a combination of events.....
Best slim line ( everyone has time to make a slimline)
Guess the blanks
Trivia contest (at least you make the contestants work a little bit for the prize)
Best hand written note to Santa (25 words of less)

But I want to clarify the rules, if I am going to Provo, can I still enter the contests ?? [:D] ?? [:D]
Puttin' out fire with gasoline?!? [:D][;)]
Those who do attend the Rendezvous will be subjected to so many prizes and give-aways that almost no one will leave empty-handed. <b>We believe the rest of us, left behind here at home</b>, deserve some free stuff as well!
[emphasis added]

FWIW, Why not have a couple of contests and a give away or two to satisfy every need?
I can donate some blanks for a give away if ya need.

If a contest is created and I don't have time to enter or compete, I think it's my problem.

Thank you all for your suggestions! You can still post ideas here, but I do have some good ideas now. I had always thought that, as Tony suggested, we should do a couple of different kinds of things. I actually like the Letter to Santa idea! I also like the Identify the Pen idea. Since this is kind of a short period of time we're looking at, I was going to stay away from a contest that required making a pen. Even a "pick the number" contest is still in my short-list!

What I was mainly looking for was a way to have some fun. My adage is if you're not having fun, why do it? Jeff and I could just pick some names out of a (computer) hat, and give stuff away, but what fun is that? [8D]

Ernie is the only one mentioning donating prizes for this right now, and even though he offered a few, it's still not a lot, so I can't run a lot of give-aways. Unless people would like to donate some prizes to send to other IAP members? It isn't necessary, because we did a lot of that for the Birthday Bash, and I don't want people to feel "used". On the other hand, I enjoy sending stuff to my IAP friends, so if anybody else wants to donate, let me know! I have some really cool IAP logo pins and magnets that Ed Davidson made for me some years ago - maybe I'll give some of them away.

Remember to have fun!


P.S. - Anthony, I'm not going to keep track of who's at the Rendezvous and exclude them from the prizes! As a matter of fact, it kind of warms my heart to think of you sitting in your room in front of your laptop instead of being at the Rendezvous, winning new lathes and cruises and whatever else they're giving away! [:p]
Originally posted by PenWorks
<br />
Trivia contest (at least you make the contestants work a little bit for the prize)
Best hand written note to Santa (25 words of less)

Can I win the contest by taking Anthony's original and creative entry and correcting the spelling and punctuation??????? IF I get there BEFORE Cav???
Ed, you misinterpited my idea......again,
we are looking for creativity and neatness of hand writing.
I am sure the judges will overlook, spelling & punctuation [:D]

Actually Scott, The Hampton has a computer in the lobby, I check out IAP in the morning while having my free breakfast.[:)] Then I ussually go next door to the hotel where Virgil stays and have another free breakfast with him [:D]
Originally posted by PenWorks
<br />Actually Scott, The Hampton has a computer in the lobby, I check out IAP in the morning while having my free breakfast.[:)] Then I ussually go next door to the hotel where Virgil stays and have another free breakfast with him [:D]
You're gonna have to get by on only one breakfast this year, Anthony. [}:)] He told me he isn't going to be there.[:(]
What about giving prizes for;
Best Tutorial / Article
could be video or PDF on things like;
Doing a Celtic Cross accurately,
Simplest / best finish regime ( Non CA ),
Best shop tip / jig / idea etc,
How to get easy good pics,
Video on using a skew properly

That way we all win[:D]

And for fun, we could each vote once for the most helpful member to date.
How about guess the pen that goes like take a photo of a pen, have it printed, cut it up and make a jigsaw puzzle out of it. Take a picture of than and post for everyone to figure the pen.

How easy/difficult you want it will depend on how many pieces you cut up the original picture.

The original picture can also be just a distinguishable part/portion of the pen and not a whole or you can leave out a few pieces out to make it more challenging [}:)]
How a about a triva?
Guess the top five states in order, represented at IAP. It truly would be a guess and if someone took the time to look at all 3,000+ members location, then by all means, give em the prize ! [:)]
Originally posted by PenWorks
<br />Best hand written note to Santa (25 words of less)

Dear Santa;

I had fun in Vegas last weekend but YOU seem to have had much more.

My list is attached fat man!


Did I win?
Great ideas everyone! Scott don't feel your stepping on my toes if you want to do trivia. I'm sure you can come up with more imaginative questions than I can[:(][;)]
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