IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Please indicate how many prizes you would like for your contests, 3 or 4. Almost all contests have 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Some want 4th place or "random drawing" type prizes. The lists are being finalized and we need to know who needs what. It appears that we are in good shape when it comes to prizes.
This year Jeff will be coordinating the distribution of prizes from donors to winners. Jeff and I will be talking later to finalize some things but basically it will be the responsibility of the Contest Chairmen to make sure that the donor has the winners name and shipping information.
This year Jeff will be coordinating the distribution of prizes from donors to winners. Jeff and I will be talking later to finalize some things but basically it will be the responsibility of the Contest Chairmen to make sure that the donor has the winners name and shipping information.