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Lead Moderator
Staff member
Aug 4, 2007
middle of nowhere in the great, white North
Hi all!

When you're collecting the contact info from your contest winners to forward to me, please make sure that they include their phone number if they have won the Alumilite package...FedEx requires one, and Carol cannot ship without it!

Rather than me sending a bunch of follow up emails as the contest progressed, and perhaps losing one (my inbox is getting pretty congested!) I thought I'd ask you all to ask for them in advance...

In fact, phone numbers might be a good idea to include for suppliers like Ernie, who aren't sending out physical gift certificates too....

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Originally posted by maxwell_smart007

.....Rather than me sending a bunch of follow up emails as the contest progressed, and perhaps losing one (my inbox is getting pretty congested!) I thought I'd ask you all to ask for them in advance...

I don't know what email you are using; but one of the reasons I like Gmail is because they make that situation easy to deal with. First off, you can archive emails once they have been processed. They are still available for reference if you need to look at them; but they are out of the "current" box so you don't have to continually wade thru them to find the messages that are still active. Also there is a search function that allows you to go back and find old messages. Haven't ever used that function so I don't know how effective it is. Every day, I archive the entries from the previous days contest plus any other messages that have been processed so there are never more than 50 or 60 emails in my active INBOX.
Hi Andrew,

For the prizes from Craft Supplies, and from Grizzly, I have them, so let me know when there is a winner on one of those prizes.

I would suspect we're all feeling a little pinch in our Inbox lately! [8D] I know I am!

Originally posted by maxwell_smart007

Hey Randy,

I've had to track a few of them down for not being as quick as I'd like, but no problems! I'm just waiting for a follow-up from one person for the Alumilite...

I had one guy who took several days to reply; but it turned out there was some sort of family emergency. I considered establishing a rule that winners must reply within 24 hours of announcement or lose their prize; but that is kind if stern and it really hasn't been much of a problem, so far. If people start getting lazy, though, there is no reason why a rule couldn't be added. Seems to me it is the winner's responsibility to respond promptly. (however that gets defined) We who oversee the contests shouldn't have to run around begging these folks to claim their prizes.
Originally posted by maxwell_smart007

Sounds good Scott! Randy - I use gmail for my 'professional' account, and hotmail as my daily user...I should really start using gmail more often!


I have accounts with Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo. They all have advantages and disadvantages. Which account I use frequently depends on the nature of the message being sent or the particular recipient. Hotmail was the first fremail account I acquired; but is probably the least prefered of the three.
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