Constants Hummingbirds

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Aug 27, 2007
Adamsville, TN, USA.
My wife just brought me a box from Constant at Lazerlinez it has the inlay kit for her new pen, I wish I could turn it now, but boss lady says NO and not just No but H*ll NO!! actually she was quite emphatic about it.
The kit looks great, amazing detail, it should produce a beautiful pen (if I don't screw up).
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ken, i was looking at them last week, and they do look super.
but wify chose the red rose. so never mind her, get it done and show her who the boss is.:eek::eek:
I agree. Jump right in there, what's the worst that can happen?:eek::biggrin: You can always order another. (ducking)
Oh I'm not worried about the kit, although it's certainly not a first time kit, she's insisting I satay away from my lathes until the Dr. says OK, and I'm really trying hard to be good, but that new lathe is in the next room softly calling. I'm getting more range of motion (or the pain meds are working better) Her pen also has the Red flower. I go see the Doc on Wed, and do a MRI or CAt what ever the thing is. plus I want one of the Templar crosses for me, I wish they were for Dayacom EBs, instead of sierras, I still don't like that pen.
Just get can buy more cannot buy your health..relax and get ready for the next battle
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