Congrats Alex!

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That is just so good. Congratulations to Alex on his willingness to work towards his goals.:):):)

I am more than impressed by Alex's attention to safe working practices also.:):):)

Well done on every level Alex.:highfive::highfive::highfive::highfive:
What a video! I think we should all buy a pen from this kid and get his college fund off to a good start. Alex, post pens and prices and let us go crazy. You do the ultimate homework. Love your shop.
Alex is a very talented young man, with a great set of goals, his front page photo from last June shows the wonderful work this young guy does
What a complete difference from a thread about kids at shows, just goes to show you can't paint all kids with the same brush.Alex congradulations you're more grown up than some of us here!
Way to go! I'd love to have that shop you get to work in... appreciate it! And keep up the great work.
Just got the March 2010 issue of Wood magazine and guess who is listed:
YUP that is right: Alex Lesniak on page 3 :highfive:
CONGRATS ALEX. :star::star::star::star::star:

I'd seen this video a few weeks ago. Maybe I just ran across it while watching pen making videos on YouTube.

I wish that my grandsons were that motivated.

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