Thank you for your support, fellas!!
Strange as this may sound, I believe PSI has every right to compete with me. (Remember I have spent 35 years competing with Xerox, 3M, IBM-they left the copier industry, and other giants) PSI is large and can find products. I am guessing they are buying directly from the manufacturer, while I go through a distributor. But, I diverge.
Competition is what keeps our system alive and thriving. was established to allow penturners to get most of their supplies from one small vendor, who could answer questions and actually CARES whether the products work in YOUR hands. So, we are expanding our offerings--and will continue to do so, to try to satisfy MORE of your turning needs.
Oh, and if you have questions, feel free to call. I am always willing to help.
Or, call PSI's president and see what he knows about turning the "cats" in his catalog:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
I mean it when I say I appreciate your support. I also mean it when I say I hope you will choose us as your vendor because you think we are your BEST supplier, overall. We plan to continue to give you the most VALUE for your hard-earned dollars. As others pick up similar products, we will continue to look for newer, better ideas --- many of which benefit both exotics and the products' creators through our partner plan. We think this will keep us "cutting edge". If you EVER disagree, PM me, PLEASE@!!!