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Aug 4, 2007
middle of nowhere in the great, white North
Just wondering what the weather's like elsewhere in the world. I'm sure it's nice and sunny in South Texas, and rainy in Jolly ol' England, but we've finally got our deep freeze.

It's been unseasonably warm this year, but temperatures are about back to normal for January now. I just checked, and it's a balmy -35 degrees right now, and about -43 with the windchill.

It's too cold to do much but sit inside, and look at pen pictures on the IAP! Come on guys and girls, get posting! :D

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Anchorage has had a strange winter, almost no snow before Christmas, then some to make it a white Christmas. Lot's of snow in January so far.
Chinook winds stayed for awile, then brought back the Arctic Express.
Had bitter cold, -14*F mornings and warmed up to -5*F...

Now we're having 0*F up to 24*F during day... Sent the Arctic Expess to our Canadian Friends and they sent the Canadian Express to the Upper 1/3 of USA... Pass that cold around...[:I]:D[:0]
Then there are different kinds of C O L D too.

When I moved to a suburb of Osaka (which borders an inland sea not far from the Pacific Ocean itself) I met a great guy and his family who were just moving in from the Minneapolis area. It was June. We became good friends immediately. But he would tell me how COLD it would get in Minnesota. "Southerners just don't know what 'cold' is", he would often kid me. Winter would be having a warm spell when it was "0" he would quip. Well, when January rolled in around that Osaka suburb and we began to have temp ranges between 25° to upper 30°s for a few days, - he came to my house one day just a shivering.

What's the matter, I asked, are you sick?

ITS COLD! he said.

Cold? It only in the mid 30's outside - I replied.

This is different from what we have in Minnesota! - he said, still shivering. It cuts to the bone!

What's the matter? I asked, Haven't you ever felt 80% humidity in 35 degree weather?

Our cold is DRY, he said!

It was funny and memorable.

I lived in Ft Worth from 75 - 80 and will never forget one Valentines day ('78 or '79). It hit 78° in mid afternoon, then a blue norther blew in. The next morning there was snow on the ground and it wasn't melting either. And No, this is not a tall Texas tale.
Hank does not speak with forked tongue. I've seen it go from 80° an noon to 40° by 4 in the afternoon. I was on a canoe trip on Thanksgiving on the Rio Grande is far South Texas. It was about 80° when we put the campfire out and got down to 28° over snow; but a heavy layer of frost on all of the tents. Temps are exact as I have a little minimum reading thermometer that I carry on outdoor trips. Same thing happened on another trip. We were traveling light so no tents. I woke up in the morning and my water bottle was frozen solid!! Thank God for wool socks and down sleeping bags!!!
Our weather has been clear, sunny and beautiful. But cold. Today we may have a high of only 20 degrees. And I am going to a muzzle loading shoot later. Shiverin' and shootin' accurate is near impossible. But we will have fun. And, being the Ozarks, next week it could be in the 70s.
To follow-up on Randy's tale... when I was in Jr. High school in a little town about 40 miles south of Dallas, we were having a heat wave... I went to school in short sleeves, we had all the windows in the class rooms open (that was back in the days when schools had windows) at 4:00 when I started home, I had to walk (before school buses to take kids 6 or 8 blocks home) about 10 blocks in a sleet storm.
Have to pipe in here. 8 a.m. -4 degrees F. No heat in my wood shop. I AIN"T NOT GONNA BE WORKING TODAY!!!! Hope it warms up soon, I'm itching to get itchy with some shavings.
Keep in mind I am in a high mountain dessert. in mid summer when daytime temps hit 90+ it will still fall to the 50'S at night. so far our winter has been pretty mild. jsut cold enough at night to form some frost, sometimes. Days get into the 40's. We had one spell at the first of the year that dumped a lot of snow but has not really effected us down here in the valley. It is just around 30 now, my shop is heated, and I will think of you all here in a minute when I am turning my first pen of the day.
Woke up this morning to 17 degrees and this will be our high for the day. The Arctic blast has come through and we'll be down to 0 by morning.

And folks can scoff at comments like, "But it's a dry heat", or, "It's a dry cold" all they want. I've lived for significant amounts of time in all four and I prefer the dry of each, thank you. Spent 4 years in Anchorage and even though I got frost bite twice, I never got as cold as I have in this part of the country. And I feel much cooler in a 95 degree arid climate than I do in an 85 degree humid one. The reason is simple really. You perspire in both, but the pesrpiration evaporates off your skin in the arid climate "cooling" the skin in the process. No such action in a humid climate. That said, arid climates are actually more dangerous due to these factors. You can literally freeze before you know realize it in the cold, and you can dehydrate and suffer heat exhaustion or heat stroke before you realize your in trouble. DAMHIKT But I'll still take the arid climates any day.;)
Dry cold or not, it's -33 here this morning (-27 to you Fahrenheit junkies! :)), and that just takes the warmth right out of you! The worst part is the windchill...any little breeze at all, and it drops down another ten degrees....

Apparently the wind chill makes it -42 degrees (Celsius or Fahreheit - they're both around the same in the -40 mark)...I'm all for winter, but this is getting ridiculous!

Stay warm, everyone!

Andrew, hah, we're warmer than you[8D]!!! It's only -28 but the WC takes it to -40. It's supposed to be like this all next week.... brrrrr:( Glad I'm retired and don't have to go out.......yeah right.
It's about 20 here today. Clear skies and a Northerly breeze which brings the chill factor down. Today is the start of our "Polar Bear Jump Off Festival". A bunch of crazies dress up in costumes and jump in the Ocean. Fun to watch, but I ain't jumpin in no 34 degree water with 20 degree air temp and a wind blowing!
Originally posted by Geo in Winnipeg

Andrew, hah, we're warmer than you[8D]!!! It's only -28 but the WC takes it to -40. It's supposed to be like this all next week.... brrrrr:( Glad I'm retired and don't have to go out.......yeah right.

Must be that pond up at bird's hill! Keeps the weather moderated over there! :D We always get a funny weather bubble here - I'm thinking that my lake has something to do with it! And i thought water was supposed to moderate weather! At least it's warmed up a bit... core temp's -25 now, so I guess I can go check out the weekly Canadian tire sale now without freezing!

Just don't go walking at Portage and Main today, George, or you'll be an icicle before you get half-way across!
Gonna warm up today, might get to 35 degrees, time to barbecue! Did use propane, sissy stuff, got cold and just went to sleep. So, back to what the majority of the world does, charcoal!

Charcoal rules... Steaks have been defrosting, time to light em up soon...
It was -14F this morning in Minneapolis, with the highs forecast to be single digits below zero today and tomorrow. Wind chills bring it down to -30F or so. I have a 3-day weekend, and most of it will be spent indoors.

It might crack above zero Monday or Tuesday, and up in the teens later in the week, which will feel rather good by comparison.

Originally posted by Roy99664

It's about 20 here today. Clear skies and a Northerly breeze which brings the chill factor down. Today is the start of our "Polar Bear Jump Off Festival". A bunch of crazies dress up in costumes and jump in the Ocean. Fun to watch, but I ain't jumpin in no 34 degree water with 20 degree air temp and a wind blowing!

Hey, Roy, LOML and I are certified divers and we did our certification dives in 34 degree water in Whittier. It was in May, but the water running off the glacier don't get no warmer than that. Oh, and we used wet suits at that. First day was great... second I nearly froze to death. Couldn't get my weights right (the same weight belt from the day before[?]) and I couldn't get my mask to seal. Once I finally got everything set, I was freezing. Oh well.. fons memories nonetheless.
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