Glenn McCullough
I learned to make this scoop and chuck Sunday, at our final wood turning meeting before summer break. We had a turna thon outside, with 6 lathes and each one demo'ing a different feature including a sharpening demo. This scoop is smaller than I'd like, so I'll make a larger chuck for a bigger scoop.The wood is teak and it is about 5" long.
You turn a handle with a ball on the end, finish it, chuck it so the handle fits into the cutout shown facing. hollow it out and your done. You have to be shure the handle will clear the bed and it is seated so it wont hit the tool rest while spinning.
You turn a handle with a ball on the end, finish it, chuck it so the handle fits into the cutout shown facing. hollow it out and your done. You have to be shure the handle will clear the bed and it is seated so it wont hit the tool rest while spinning.
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