When I first started turning, I turned about five pens out of Cocobolo and they were all beautifully colored with that deep dark orangish (for a lack of a better word) color but out of the last four orders (three out of the four)that I have turned, the color that I like the most has been turned out and I'm left with this crappy (crappy is not a strong enough word to describe how I feel about it but it more polite so...)grayish sort of color. I hate it! I will post the pictures when they are finished drying.
Is this a common problem or could it be my supplier? The first five came from one place but the rest came from a different place. I'm being cautious here not to mention names because I don't want this to sound like an attack on my supplier because I am really satisfied with their service but I will buy my Cocobolo some where else if this turns out to be the case.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Is this a common problem or could it be my supplier? The first five came from one place but the rest came from a different place. I'm being cautious here not to mention names because I don't want this to sound like an attack on my supplier because I am really satisfied with their service but I will buy my Cocobolo some where else if this turns out to be the case.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.