Click pens

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Jun 24, 2004
Petaluma, CA, USA.
I would like to try to make some Click Pens.
Have heard that they can be a problem.
Would like input if any of them are worth trying ifso which ones
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I had heard they where a pain.. But I had to give it a try.. I bought the ones from woodcraft.. Thinking that they might be a little better quality.. Nope. I bought 4 kits.. All four had problems with the mech.. I will never make another klick pen again.. They are not worth the hassle..
you could do what some other members here have done and buy a click pen from walmart or something and turn a barrel for it.
Try PSI's Slimline Pro Gelwriter pen; its the best click kit I've found. Unfortunately, it is available only in 24k and satin chrome, and has a "blackline" clip, which I'm not too fond of. But its fairly straightforward design and dependable function makes it one of the better clip pens available, in my opinion.
I've been using a couple of Berea's "button click" pens here for about 2 years without failure. I'm not "rough" on pens but I haven't sold any so I don't know how they'd hold up to someone else's use. I think they're only available in upgrade gold and chrome.
I've made around 8 from CSUSA. My only problem has been the tip still sticking out when retracted. The kit is very touchy on tube length. Make sure you do not shorten the tube at all. I have sold all of the ones I've made. I wish they were a little better quality, but I will continue to make them because I have customers that are only interested in Click pens.
Hi,Sid. For what it's worth I have
6+ of the Berea clickers purchased
thru Arizona Silhouette in service for a year
and a half.The only complaint I got was that the
click button came unscrewed.From there out I always
unscrew the click button and put a tiny dab of
5 min. epoxy,then re-assemble to keep them from unscrewing
theirself.Also,I am much happier with the click action
if I put a small bit of Renwax in the clicker guts with a
toothpick before assembly,work it in after it's together.
I also have customers like Chris that only want click pens,
so there is a niche for them.[:)]
I have one from Berea that I've carried as one of my personal pens. I have no complaints whatsoever about it's click mechanism, just everything else about that pen. I made this pen last summer and the gold has nearly worn off. I only carry 1 pen in my shirt pocket and there is never anything else in there. Every single press fitting had to be superglued in. Press fit? Ha!
I've had good luck with the CSUSA click pens. I've made and sold a number of them. Believe me when I saw they under-go a rigid testing before leaving the shop.
While we are talking about click pens, I was wondering if anyone could comment on the newish Berea cap click? It is available in Ti gold and platinum platings, which is nice, since the other Berea and CSUSA clicks are only in lesser platings.

I'm wondering how the upper part of the lower half of the pen looks after it's been clicked a few hundred times, what with the upper portion overriding the lower portion.

Anyone care to comment?

Both the PSI Slimline-Pro and the Berea Button Click seem to have pretty good reputations for mechanical reliability. Sadly, the PSI kit is not too far from ugly and the Berea kit isn't much better. I haven't heard much about the CSUSA "click" pen; but, since it only comes in gold, the platings probably won't last very long. I'm thinking it best to avoid that kit??

Coincidently, I am putting together an order for some click pens right now. I'm not very happy since it seems that rather than picking a kit I like, I am picking the least objectionable kit available. I finally decided to order some of the Berea Button Click pens and a couple of the Flat Top American Click pens.

I've had really good luck with the commercially made Parker T-Ball Jotter. For a long time, I have thought about building a custom pen using the "guts" of the Parker pen. There are some mechanical problems that I haven't yet been able to solve; but I keep hoping.
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