Clear resin, see tube, see glue? Thoughts.

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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
Well, I have never liked clear pens that allow you to see the tube. Looked like a mistake, to me.

Now, I have been asked to make a "see-through" pen. So, I made the hole completely clear and we will be powder-coating the tubes.

The question is GLUE. I can dye epoxy, but I suspect it will still be visible.

So, what are your thoughts. To see, or not to see, That is the question.

IF you have done see-throughs, what did you like/dislike??
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What about "No Glue"?

I mean don't glue the blank, just glue the parts that insert into the tube. That should hold everything together.

Just a thought I had reading your post, I haven't tried it myself.
What exactly does the customer want to "see" that they want a "see-through" pen? The tube? The pen workings? The ink (if a FP)?
Marcel's suggestion sounds right. After all, if you are going to dye the glue you may as well just paint the inside of the blank. Needless to say make sure there is absolutely no dust trapped between the tube and the blank.
The first and only time I made a see through pen, I was not completely successful. I really need to get back to the idea, but I'm a wood guy and, thankfully, very little wood is see-through.

In order to make it see through, I drilled the lucite for the components without using the tubes. Polishing the inside is not for the lazy, but everything else went smoothly.
Is the entire pen clear or are there segments that are not clear? You could place pieces of the tubes in any solid segments and leave the tubes out of the clear sections. If you have a solid segment at each end of the barrel you could just glue the ends of the tubes so the glue is hidden.
OK, time to "back up the bus".

The pen is Dawn's "Gossamer Red" (the last blank), so we want a red powder-coated tube, to accentuate the black streaks.
Ok, with that added info, here's how Eagle approached it. Drill the tube. Pour acetone through to smooth the inside surface. Drip thick CA through the barrel, coating it completely. Slide the tube in. There should be minimal visible disruptions. It worked for the Master!

OK, time to "back up the bus".

The pen is Dawn's "Gossamer Red" (the last blank), so we want a red powder-coated tube, to accentuate the black streaks.
The first and only time I made a see through pen, I was not completely successful. I really need to get back to the idea, but I'm a wood guy and, thankfully, very little wood is see-through.

In order to make it see through, I drilled the lucite for the components without using the tubes. Polishing the inside is not for the lazy, but everything else went smoothly.

I believe I will be able to "introduce" a way that is NOT labor-intensive, Lou.

I am only doing half of this pen at a time. I expect the second half to be MUCH faster, based on what I am learning from the first half.
So not only a conundrum, but you've only got one shot at it. If you get in a tight spot I can always sale you back one of the blanks I ordered.

Now lets see you've got the standard markup percentage, then you carry the 1 for packaging, add in the cost of . . . . . . :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
What color of red are you going to use Ed? I still my Gossamer Red that I purchased from you guys but have not figured out a color for the tube. Inquiring minds want to know.:biggrin:
:biggrin:Hate to ruin your day, Ben, but I only expect it to take me ONE TRY to make a pen.

(But then, I wasn't in the "Newbie" contest!!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:)
OK, time to "back up the bus".

The pen is Dawn's "Gossamer Red" (the last blank), so we want a red powder-coated tube, to accentuate the black streaks.

You can dye the epoxy... I used Testor's paints to mix into my 5 min epoxy and seemed to work... I made an opaque pink pen for the granddaughter and mixed paints to get a pink epoxy...
also for a cactus pen that I got from Roy.... the casting was clear, I painted the tube and inside of the blank, but also colored the epoxy.. got a nice bright red pen.
You'll need to match the powder coat to the paint in the epoxy else I'm thinking the difference in colors might show.
Why not just paint the inside of the blank and use colored epoxy as the glue? I've never had a problem with that process. Coloring just the tube leaves all kinds of opportunities for surprise inclusions.

Now I know where that last Gossmar blank went....:mad:
Ed what if as somebody earlier suggested you used no glue .....but used a red metallic powder coat. I'd think that would give you the illusion of more depth. Also drill using cooking spray as a lubricant. That'll cut down on the clean up of the inside of the blank.
I've tried what Lou suggested and still got bubbles from the CA....maybe I didn't do it right.:confused:
Ed another thought comes to mind. What size pen are you making...or rather whats the wall thickness? If it's enough you could drill an over size hole and then cast a tube inside.
Now I know where that last Gossmar blank went....:mad:
Ed what if as somebody earlier suggested you used no glue .....but used a red metallic powder coat. I'd think that would give you the illusion of more depth. Also drill using cooking spray as a lubricant. That'll cut down on the clean up of the inside of the blank.
I've tried what Lou suggested and still got bubbles from the CA....maybe I didn't do it right.:confused:

I should mention, I am making this for another IAP member. So, the blank WAS left for purchase - just the person who bought it REALLY WANTS A PEN and figures I have a better chance.

I'm THRILLED that it turned out that way, since I can then answer questions about the material, which I could NOT do before.
I would think that if you use a tube - powder coated or painted - you will lose a lot of the the transparent quality of the material except when looking across the horizon of the pen.
My vote is to leave this blank tubeless, and make it into a demonstrator-like pen. But there are so many interesting and unique effects that can achieved with transparency, and I think that we have only scratched the surface. This is an interesting discussion! :)
So not only a conundrum, but you've only got one shot at it. If you get in a tight spot I can always sale you back one of the blanks I ordered.......:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Not necessarily..

Oooopppps, was that your order that I still saw on the counter??? :rolleyes::biggrin::biggrin:
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Ok now you've got me thinking on the one blank I have, and Dawn's demonstrator- like pen with that blank. Hmmmmmmmmmm!!
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