I have a Jet 1236 (12"x36" 3/4hp) lathe and I'm trying to decide which of the Tecknatools chucks is appropriate.
Unfortunately the CSUSA deal was over in less than a day, and I'm still looking for a good value.
In any case, would the SuperNova2 be too big a chuck, possibly detrimental to my current lathe?
Also, is the Barracuda the same size/weight as the SuperNova2 and subject to similar scruitiny?
Teknatools suggests (and quotes from their product pages)
- under 12" : Nova Precision Midi chuck (The NOVA Precision Midi is an ideal chuck for Mini,
Its light weight, and with less overhang which is perfect for smaller lathe spindles. The small 1.79" body length delivers less overhang from the spindle than the larger geared Chucks, reducing stress on smaller lathe spindles.)
- 12 to 14" : Nova G3 chuck (The G3 chuck is the next generation smaller geared chuck. It's an ideal chuck for Mini, Midi and smaller lathes with up to 360mm/14" diameter swing. Provides high power geared chuck option for smaller lathes. its light weight, and with less overhang which is perfect for smaller lathe spindles. The small 1.79" body length delivers less overhang from the spindle than the larger geared Chucks reducing stress on smaller lathe spindles)
- 14" or more: SuperNova2 chuck (This powerful and solid chuck is perfect for use on lathes with up to 20"/508mm swing. Brilliant all around geared chuck for a majority of users.
If your lathe is less than 20" diameter swing, please have a look at either the Nova Precision Midi or the Nova G3 chucks. )