Chinese micrometers...

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Jul 10, 2010
Pretoria, South Africa
are wrong!!

I got into the workshop this afternoon to prepare an acrylic blank for a Classic Roller ball and after drilling the holes I discovered to my dismay that one of the tubes is approximately a quarter inch to big!! :angry:

Have to go and source some new brass tube tomorrow and see if I can improvise once again.

Anyone know where I can procure a few German engineered pen kits???
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In which dimension is it too big .... length or diameter? I'm sure it is the diameter that is wrong.

Take the insert metal parts with you to a good hobby shop and check to see if the thickness of their tubing will allow the parts to properly 'fit.' Not all tubing is the same wall thickness and trouble can only get worse.

Good luck on fixing this one!
Part of the learning process. Check, check, check.

Indeed - kinda like buying some 308 ammo and checking each cartridge with a mic - you expect it to fit, do you not?

and of course the next logical question is; would you buy that same brand of ammo again if they didn't fit?

There is absolutely no reason to accept shoddy workmanship and it certainly cannot be the accepted norm.
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