Chevron Modifications

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mark james

IAP Collection, Curator
Sep 6, 2012
Medina, Ohio
Yesterday I posted this:, and Hank asked about my "theories of Chevrons." Not sure I really have any theories, but I have no problem sharing some pretty easy modifications that everyone can try.

The first 2 pictures is the diagram for my typical starting "brick," and the resulting chevron pattern.

Pictures 3-8 show the resulting pattern if you make a "brick" with a different spacing (NOTE: each layer needs to be precisely equal for the eventual pattern to align).

Picture 9 is a more elaborate rendition, alas, I did not get the inlay in correctly, so I have to reconstruct the blank.

The last few pictures are of indian blankets that I have gotten ideas from. Also, do a search for images of stained glass windows and you'll get sucked down the rabbit hole very quickly; nice design ideas. EDIT: I added 2 stained glass pickies.

So now a whole set of variables come into consideration of your design:

Thickness of layers (I'm using .25" here for the thick layers, and about .1" for the 3 ply veneer)
Choices of wood
Colors of veneers
Thicknesses of veneers

Here is another variable that I just have not had time to play with: Angle of the slices! Instead of using a 45 degree angle cut you use a more severe cut, the resulting Chevron should look more like an arrow quill, feathers (or however you want to describe it - you get my thought :wink:).

Hope this tweaks your creative spirit!


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Thanks for sharing! I was really curious about your drawings. I started some sketches a while back and really enjoy the process. Now I just need to find time to take it from paper to wood.
Thanks for sharing Mark. When I made my first block "before seeing yours" I made it square similar to yours. After making a few cuts I was wondering what to do with the corners I cut off. My second block was a little different and didn't have as much waste. You are the Chevron master and I thought this might be of interest. This is my block as it was glued up.


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Thanks for sharing Mark. When I made my first block "before seeing yours" I made it square similar to yours. After making a few cuts I was wondering what to do with the corners I cut off. My second block was a little different and didn't have as much waste. You are the Chevron master and I thought this might be of interest. This is my block as it was glued up.

Hi Dale. Yup, that is also how I have been doing them the last year:

Those pictures were to show some of the process, but you are exactly correct about the waste.

AND, it was not my idea! Steve Johnson (Steve J) visited me and he told me to make the bricks on the angle. For a 6" brick, I can get 1-2 more pens out of it now.

You need to post the "cross inlays" on IAP - they are great! I like the 3 cross, even though I realize the tweaking you want.

Be well!
I had an idea of something very similar for my 3D print, then I saw your mismatched chevron post and took my idea and your chevron design and 3D printed something of a cross between the two.


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I had an idea of something very similar for my 3D print, then I saw your mismatched chevron post and took my idea and your chevron design and 3D printed something of a cross between the two.

Hi Joey, Just catching up on some random posts.

I like the 3D print you made - wonderful advancement.

I like to play with wood segments, but REALLY appreciate those that take these elements and apply them to other mediums. Very cool!!!

The "even chevrons" are a bugger to keep aligned on all 4 faces (as I do them). Due to 20-28 matching points.

The "mismatched chevrons" (for lack of a better term) are actually easier, and I think more appealing visually; maybe 8-12 matching points.

This is my opinion only.

BUT, Have at it - You are doing great stuff.

Be well, just me.
Did you study Geometry in college? Or Engineering?

I never got past Algebra in HS Chuck... I'm very poor in the sciences, really struggled with one required math course in college (I actually took a summer class at a community college for my math credit because I suspected it was less rigid).

But, I like playing with shapes, and I do tend to be detail oriented. Much of the Chevrons are actually trial and error (mostly error).
I did make my first chevron pen after attending your class at MPG. not perfect, but a start. Thanks again for the presentation.
Steve Drinkut

Make notes of what you want to be better and give it a few more chances. I've got about 20 failures in a bag that remind me where things get wonky. It took 7 blanks to get the 4 sets I donated at the MPG. The learning curve gets easier fairly quickly.

It was my pleasure, and I love seeing others playing with this concept. Many variations are available.

It was nice to meet you Steve!
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