Cherry Burl??

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Robert A.

May 3, 2009

Thought I would show off my small burl. When I brought it home I tried to measure it.All I had was a 5' tape.It wouldn't reach around it.
Thanks for looking.
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Can we all say, "GLOAT!" Go ahead and gloat a bit more and tell us what it weighs, ALL the really juicy details height, width, girth, length, weight, where you hide it at night, do you have guns, guard dogs, security systems, etc. .... just all the good stuff that makes us drool!

BTW, Congratulations on that very nice chunk of Cherry. :biggrin:

Danged, I just noticed you live in NC, maybe somewhere about where Gary lives ... hummmmm, as I ponder another midnight raid. Would you care to give directions to your place in addition to the juicy stuff above, or shall I just do my own investigations?

Anyone else in for a raid, we can also get over to Gary's as he is off to some show far, far, far away! Remember he just received several tons of burl! :rolleyes:
Can we all say, "GLOAT!" Go ahead and gloat a bit more and tell us what it weighs, ALL the really juicy details height, width, girth, length, weight, where you hide it at night, do you have guns, guard dogs, security systems, etc. .... just all the good stuff that makes us drool!

BTW, Congratulations on that very nice chunk of Cherry. :biggrin:

Danged, I just noticed you live in NC, maybe somewhere about where Gary lives ... hummmmm, as I ponder another midnight raid. Would you care to give directions to your place in addition to the juicy stuff above, or shall I just do my own investigations?

Anyone else in for a raid, we can also get over to Gary's as he is off to some show far, far, far away! Remember he just received several tons of burl! :rolleyes:

Well to start with I keep it in the same pit I keep my Lion's.And I don't feed them that often.:tongue:As far as the weight somewhere around 100#.To get to my house turn left at the old oak tree the turn right just past the 4th cow.:eek:
Well to start with I keep it in the same pit I keep my Lion's.And I don't feed them that often.:tongue:As far as the weight somewhere around 100#.To get to my house turn left at the old oak tree the turn right just past the 4th cow.:eek:

I'm from Arkansas and can decipher them there directions.

Nice Gloat
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