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Jun 19, 2009
Buffalo, NY
Dayum... I just ruined a beautiful snow white blank that I was going to make a Polar Bear Cigar from. My dentist saw another than I made and has been bugging me to make him one. So I said OK.

I was in a hurry cuz I have a motorcycle ride today and had many problems. Tube failed to glue in properly despite spraying the inside of the blank with activator just before insertion. Had to reglue it in and came up 1/32" out of whack. Had to grind off the excess. Etc Etc Etc

So I turn the thing and I am wet sanding it and I am not really liking the color... it looks like there is a dark spot near the nib end of the blank.

DAYUM!! I glued in a brass colored tube instead of the white tubes I had out. What a dope I am!! No sense wasting a kit on junk. Into the trash this one goes.

Tonight I am creating a Cigar pen checklist and one for every type of pen that I make. I am going to run off copies and every pen will get turned according to the checklist and the checks will get checked as checked! No completed checklist... no pen.
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Good idea. Make sure you have all the steps listed, one time I got in a hurry, didn't look and tried to drill inlace with a barrel trimmer.
Wow, I though I was the only one doing that stuff. Thanks for sharing your experience. I have been adding notes to the (Manufacturers) instructions.

Even though I'm comfortable with a process, I still get the page out and make sure I've done or plan to do everything listed. I now keep a 3 ring binder, loaded with a page for each pen I have the hardware for. The checklist sounds like a great idea.
Bree , that white blank might still be saved . If you want to try and save it heat the tube from the inside with a pencil type soldering iron or a woodburning iron for a few minutes to soften the glue then push the tube out of the blank with another tube or a thin screwdriver . The heat will soften the glue enough that it should come right out without damaging the blank . Be careful because the tube will be hot . Then let the blank cool down and just glue in the white tube .
Tonight I am creating a Cigar pen checklist and one for every type of pen that I make. I am going to run off copies and every pen will get turned according to the checklist and the checks will get checked as checked! No completed checklist... no pen.

YEA good luck with that:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
I find I have to have checklist for everything these days! :biggrin:

My wife will send me to the store for 3 things and all I can remember is I was supposed to get 3 things! :wink:

Do you usually use CA to glue your tubes in? If you are in a hurry, consider using 5 min epoxy instead. just my $.02 :biggrin:
You guys are KILLING me!!!

The idea of trying to save the pen is inspired and I like it and I am going to try to see if I can do that.

The office in the shop idea is ugly!! There must be an alternative.

The Good Luck with that is very practical but contrary to the Dr's prescription which is checklisting.

Now Mark and 2cor are right on point! I need more encouraging comments like theirs!!! See how they said the MAGIC WORDS... "good idea", "great idea"!!! These guys ROCK!!

Oh yeah Lenny... I was looking for two bottles of 5 min epoxy I got at Niagara Hobby and had used once last week. Where did they go??? And where did the new bottle of white Gorilla glue go??? I did the thick CA as a last resort. I knew that there was something wrong with your suggestion too!~!!
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Oh yeah Lenny... I was looking for two bottles of 5 min epoxy I got at Niagara Hobby and had used once last week. Where did they go??? And where did the new bottle of white Gorilla glue go???

I KNOW where they are .... I wrote it on a list ..... somewhere .....
You guys are KILLING me!!!

The idea of trying to save the pen is inspired and I like it and I am going to try to see if I can do that.

The office in the shop idea is ugly!! There must be an alternative.

The Good Luck with that is very practical but contrary to the Dr's prescription which is checklisting.

Now Mark and 2cor are right on point! I need more encouraging comments like theirs!!! See how they said the MAGIC WORDS... "good idea", "great idea"!!! These guys ROCK!!

Oh yeah Lenny... I was looking for two bottles of 5 min epoxy I got at Niagara Hobby and had used once last week. Where did they go??? And where did the new bottle of white Gorilla glue go??? I did the thick CA as a last resort. I knew that there was something wrong with your suggestion too!~!!


Great Idea, That idea Rocks, Fantastic Idea, yea, good luck with that:biggrin:
I have done things like that before. I have learned that I should not turn in a hurry unless I absolutely have to. i make silly mistakes that I would not otherwise. The worst mistake I did was I made a segmented pen with over 70+ pieces it took 2-4 glue ups I was in a hurry putting it together and I did not check the glue joints a second time, they ended up being a bit sloppy. I began turning and half way though it literally exploded apart into about a million pieces all over my shop. I was a little mad about that one especially since it was a pen that was ordered not just for my stock.
I have done things like that before. I have learned that I should not turn in a hurry unless I absolutely have to. i make silly mistakes that I would not otherwise. The worst mistake I did was I made a segmented pen with over 70+ pieces it took 2-4 glue ups I was in a hurry putting it together and I did not check the glue joints a second time, they ended up being a bit sloppy. I began turning and half way though it literally exploded apart into about a million pieces all over my shop. I was a little mad about that one especially since it was a pen that was ordered not just for my stock.

I'll bet that was a bear picking up and re-gluing all million pieces! :party:
I have done things like that before. I have learned that I should not turn in a hurry unless I absolutely have to. i make silly mistakes that I would not otherwise. The worst mistake I did was I made a segmented pen with over 70+ pieces it took 2-4 glue ups I was in a hurry putting it together and I did not check the glue joints a second time, they ended up being a bit sloppy. I began turning and half way though it literally exploded apart into about a million pieces all over my shop. I was a little mad about that one especially since it was a pen that was ordered not just for my stock.

Ouch! You must have the patience of Job to only be a "little mad". I can't imagine how annoyed that would make me.
Bree- I love the idea, my problem I need to create a checklist to set up my checklist. and so it goes. On a serious note it is a good idea sooooooooo the next question, is it possible to create a generic vs specific checklist and either way what a great addition it will make to the library. I get a lot of hints from there.
Now Mark and 2cor are right on point! I need more encouraging comments like theirs!!! See how they said the MAGIC WORDS... "good idea", "great idea"!!! These guys ROCK!!

That is what I like about this site, you tell people about your stupid mistakes and then, YOU ROCK!!
Bree, Good for sharing, it will make folks think. Along the same lines as the checklist, I do something similar you might consider if you haven't already.

I have some small plastic trays approx 1" high and around 5" x 7" or so and when I want to make a pen I get the kit out, the blank I want to use and put everything in the tray as a "set". This keeps everything orderly especially when making several different types of pens at once rather than having bags of parts all over the workbench and accidentally gluing the wrong tubes into the wrong blanks or putting a blank in upside down where the cap and bottom don't match up.

When using a kit, I mainly use Craft Supply kits and I still take the little instruction sheets showing the bit sizes and bushing diameters and place them in the tray as a reminder of what I'm doing.

Some of the dumbest mistakes I have made are getting in a hurry and using the wrong bit or cutting an expensive blank too short.
I second George's job trays. I also devoloped a master playbook if you will of the pens im building. Demensions and assembly notes etc.
I use Georges tray idea most of the time, and the other times I wish I had. But I need a check list to remind me where I'm at with orders and shipping, any suggestions in that area?? I agree with Bree Office work sucks.
I to have fouled things up trying to rush. Rushed an order the other day and now have two Imperial Fountain pen kits I can't make until I can find a 35/64" drill bit. Got the bushings, failed to check bit sizes...Oh and they sell the bit but it's backordered.

On a day like that the best thing to do is roll the mortorcycle out of the garage and trhen.....Shut Up And Ride!!!!!!
Bree, Good for sharing, it will make folks think. Along the same lines as the checklist, I do something similar you might consider if you haven't already.

I have some small plastic trays approx 1" high and around 5" x 7" or so and when I want to make a pen I get the kit out, the blank I want to use and put everything in the tray as a "set". This keeps everything orderly especially when making several different types of pens at once rather than having bags of parts all over the workbench and accidentally gluing the wrong tubes into the wrong blanks or putting a blank in upside down where the cap and bottom don't match up.

When using a kit, I mainly use Craft Supply kits and I still take the little instruction sheets showing the bit sizes and bushing diameters and place them in the tray as a reminder of what I'm doing.

Some of the dumbest mistakes I have made are getting in a hurry and using the wrong bit or cutting an expensive blank too short.

Yes George... I use trays all the time. I use magnetic trays. That keeps most of the parts where I want them to be. I also use them to hold my bushings so they don't get legs and walk away. I have the bushing box which is a plastic box with pigeonholes. That is stored in the rolling tool box. But the current bushings go into the tray. I also keep an extra set of tubes which I usually use for measuring where to cut blanks. That is what got me messed up cuz I grabbed the measuring tubes (brass) instead of the production tubes (white) for this blank.
Don't throw it away!

Couple of thoughts.....
I was experimenting w/ whitening antler and put a blank already mounted on the tube in a pill bottle filled w/ peroxide, left it a overnight and the next morning, the tube would slide in and out......just a thought......

another one?
before I switched to epoxy, I used CA to glue in all my tubes....I grabbed the fastest by mistake and got the tube in half way before it grabbed (read that as not paying attention to what I was doing). I thought about trying to use debonder, acetone, what ever....then I thought....soft brass tube, drill bit in the drill press the same size.....exact same the hole...I just drilled it out and put in a new tube.

2 cents is probably too much so this is free.
.......before I switched to epoxy, I used CA to glue in all my tubes....I grabbed the fastest by mistake and got the tube in half way before it grabbed (read that as not paying attention to what I was doing). I thought about trying to use debonder, acetone, what ever....then I thought....soft brass tube, drill bit in the drill press the same size.....exact same the hole...I just drilled it out and put in a new tube.

2 cents is probably too much so this is free.

May be just two cents to you but do you realize how many folks have never thought of that... and they still get tubes glued in half way! Good idea. Actually, that has happened to me a few times and I just said crap...then grabbed another blank and tube and continued on! I need to go through my reject box now! :biggrin:
rfturner said:
I have done things like that before. I have learned that I should not turn in a hurry unless I absolutely have to. i make silly mistakes that I would not otherwise. The worst mistake I did was I made a segmented pen with over 70+ pieces it took 2-4 glue ups I was in a hurry putting it together and I did not check the glue joints a second time, they ended up being a bit sloppy. I began turning and half way though it literally exploded apart into about a million pieces all over my shop. I was a little mad about that one especially since it was a pen that was ordered not just for my stock.

I'll bet that was a bear picking up and re-gluing all million pieces! :party:

I started completely over
A few things I do. I actually have a binder of instructions for every type of pen I make. They are also laminated so dirt doesn't affect them. Also another thing I do. Is I have each pen kit's drill bit and bushings in the same ziploc bag and marked what type of kit it is. Makes thing a little easier.
I use a binder with instructions for different kits or items. I put them in plastic sleeves. Then I can mark on the sleeve with an erasable marker and erase when I am done. Saves on paper and lets me know what I am doing. I also do something similar to George, but I use rectangular plastic containers and I am less apt to knock things off the bench.
When I have gotten tubes stuck halfway I have just cut off the part sticking out, sand the edges and reinsert from the other side. Fills the hole, smooth inside and haven't had a problem with assembly.
If you put your check sheets in plastic sleeves you could use them over and over, which would save paper and money since you wouldn't have to keep printing them.
This thread is starting to sound like an OCD support group meeting. With that said, I've learned a couple of things that I may implement. Sooooo, I'll see you at the next meeting.
Bree , if it makes you feel better , I've suffered from the same disorder for three years now :redface:. But , refuse to try any sort of system . I've even had friends write "Paint tubes" on the blanks . :rolleyes: AND , I'll probably just keep on screwing up once in awhile . Like , it's not so hard to drill out a tube , or heat one up and , slide the tube out . But , that's just me .:eek:
Couple of thoughts.....
I was experimenting w/ whitening antler and put a blank already mounted on the tube in a pill bottle filled w/ peroxide, left it a overnight and the next morning, the tube would slide in and out......just a thought......

another one?
before I switched to epoxy, I used CA to glue in all my tubes....I grabbed the fastest by mistake and got the tube in half way before it grabbed (read that as not paying attention to what I was doing). I thought about trying to use debonder, acetone, what ever....then I thought....soft brass tube, drill bit in the drill press the same size.....exact same the hole...I just drilled it out and put in a new tube.

2 cents is probably too much so this is free.

The peroxide is worth a try maybe even letting it soak in an acetone bath for a couple of days.

The drilling won't work on mine because the blank is already turned. It is tapered with a cigar midsection so you can't grip the blank completely to assure that you are drilling straight. That would work before the turning is done or if the turned blank is perfectly linear. At least all this is true using my drilling jig. Others might have jigs that make it possible for them.

As far as OCD goes... Heck I am a lot worse than that!!! That is just a little off center on the scale of nuttiness. I am like way over to the side!!
lesson 198765584 in pen turning:

Just cut it off and put it in the other end......
.....LOL...always a better way!

My family keeps telling me I do things the hard way!
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