Cheap Vs. $$$ Ca

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Mar 11, 2012
Ruidoso, NM
Is there really a big difference between the highest quality $$$ stuff and the dollar-store multi-pack?
I'm sure this has been asked before but couldn't find it in my searching.
I can already hear, "You get what you pay for." but so far my results (~10 coats of cheap CA/BLO) have been pretty good. Is it worth me investing $10 on a tube of the better stuff to experiment with?
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Most of the folks here get it in quantity from There are a few other vendors as well. With that said, I do not see it being cost effective to buy these small quantities for $XXX when quantities can be purchased for a much less impact on the wallet. Normally when purchased from the big suppliers, it's $10-$15 for 2 oz. Mentioned seller is selling 2 oz for $5.04. How many GRAMS are you getting in the tubes for $5.? And how long before that TUBE dries up and is unusable? I normally buy in 8 oz bottles and they last for a yr or longer.

Hope this doesnt muddy the water to much.
Also, isn't the store bought stuff thick CA? I rarely use thick at all since I went to epoxy to glue in tubes. I buy thick in 1 ounce bottles, medium in 2 ounce bottles, and thin in 8 ounce bottles. And my last order, I didn't buy any thick.
Monty's CA is top notch and great prices. Also, get one of his rechargeable aerosol cans for the won't regret it. :)
I have been doing the dollar stuff for years. The dollar store was convenient.

I had to take a trip that took me by a Woodcraft store. The store had CA on sale and I picked some up. I do believe it ended up cheaper than the dollar store (I had to spend the gas, so I didn't figure gas cost into the total).

Anyway, the WC CA was so much better. It smoked, dried faster and let me do the best CA finish I have ever do.

I decided to order from Monty here on IAP. I just never wanted to spend that much at one time on CA. I am now convinced I will get a better finish and save money.


Thanks for the tips guys.
Tim & Barry, you're exactly right, the tubes last a few pens but not much more.
Bob, thanks for the link, I'll be using them soon.
Steve, you convinced me, it looks like I'm in the same boat you were a while ago.
I'll give it a go.
There absolutely is a big difference between the expensive CA and the low priced CA that Monty sells. Monty's CA is much better.
Monty's CA is top notch and great prices. Also, get one of his rechargeable aerosol cans for the won't regret it. :)
I could not agree more. I resisted buying one for a long time. Now I would rather give up my variable speed than my aerosol can.

Well OK, that was a bit drastic, I really wouldn't want to give up my VS. But you get the idea.:wink:
I've got a bunch of mannie's glue on my shelf that I'm working my way through and I love it. You also may want to take at the new StickFast "wood finish" formulation. You can get a kit with everything you need, and a very simple process.
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