'Celtic' Knot

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Alan Morrison

Jan 15, 2019
N Ireland
Rather than hijack Ken's post I thought that I would start this one, based on a couple of comments about these knots.

This is my understanding...
Cutting a 1 3 2 4 sequence will give the X superimposed on the O and when the pen is turned side on then the O is superimposed on the X, as in Ken's knots.
This is how I have always cut mine.
Cutting a 1 2 3 4 sequence gives you either 1 under and 3 over .....or the opposite.

My comment on Ken's thread was that a 'proper' knot would have both X lines going over and under the O, not just one, and I wondered if it could be done.
I am not aware of seeing one.
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Alan we had this conversation not long ago and there were examples of both given. In Ken's thread I just posted some older threads with various versions of the Celtic Knot that was taken to new heights. What I would like to see if a person does multiple knots to mix the sequence up and combine them within the design. That could look interesting.
Cutting them 1,3,2,4 gives you a more symmetrical look when looking straight on one side. Cutting them 1,2,3,4, when looking at one side, you'll have one over and one under. I don't believe one way is correct over the other, whatever you prefer. A customer will never notice. I'm also thinking none of this matters much unless you have multi color bands. That being said I'll probably never make them again with just one color. I prefer the multi band color.
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Ken, Here are a couple of mine... 1727552968452.png1727552924920.png
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