Alan Morrison
Maple and Mahogany on a Keltoi pen kit.
Larry, it's a Keltoi kit available from Taylors Mirfield in the UK.Very nice. I have not seen that kit before.
That's a beauty Alan.
Thanks for your comments, Mark. They are much appreciated.
Thanks John. I made my first Celtic Knot pen a couple of years ago and at that time had read somewhere recommending cutting on the opposite side after the first cut, so that's what I did and continue to do.I like the precision on the knot and looks like you followed the opposite side numbering system for a lack of a better name for it. It works well with the kit. Thanks for showing.
That to me is how it was taught to me many years ago when that design hit the forums. I still think it is the best way to make look symmetrical. I got the blanks turned today and just need to polish and put on kit so maybe tomorrow. My feet get tired along with my back if I stand in one place too long so I do things in steps. Working on 3 other real cool pens if they come out the way I envision. Testing my casting abilitys.Thanks John. I made my first Celtic Knot pen a couple of years ago and at that time had read somewhere recommending cutting on the opposite side after the first cut, so that's what I did and continue to do.
I look forward to seeing your latest ones.
That's a beauty Alan. Very, very nice. I have stayed out of the recent "Celtic Knot" fuss as it is not a design that really moves me. Did it and moved on. BUT, I do look for equal triangles within the knots, upper and lower alignment for the inlays, and alignment for the inlays. Your pen is excellent on all accounts. It is interesting that I usually prefer veneers to "smooth" the edges to break up any visual issues - yours' has no veneers and looks excellent! Very well done.