Here is what the PSI web site says: This kit provides the premium resins and accessories you need to make custom crystal clear plastic turning blanks. Just pour the casting resin over your decorated tubes - wait 24 hrs then remove the cast tubes from the mold, cut them apart and turn and finish them on your lathe like any other plastic material. The end result will be your design encapsulated into a crystal clear tube that turns like plastic and is assembled with your pen.
The resin is guaranteed to be premium quality, crystal clear, non-yellowing, UV safe and easily turned into the pen profile of your choice. The kit includes: 32 oz of polyester casting solution (makes 10-15 pens), hardener, gloves, measuring cup, casting mold, tube stoppers plus casting and decorating instructions. One year shelf life.
Here is my take on this kit. The kit should provide the first time caster with an excellent start. Try it out and see if you like casting then purchase the resin and pigments elsewhere. From what I read this kit is for clear casting and does not include any pigments, dyes or tints. Resin can be purchased cheaper. Molds can be made or purchased. Resin is NOT cheap at Hobby Lobby or Michaels ($25 or more for 1 qt). The catalyst is another $5 or $6 unless they have started packaging it with the resin. If resin is purchased from these places try to use a coupon. Both places routinely offer 1/2 off coupons for one item purchases.
There are several excellent articles here, at the Y!PT group in the files, at TPS, and on the penmakers guild site. There are many many excellent threads archived here on IAP and the other penturning sites. There was a thread here just a few day ago on this same exact topic. Good luck with your casting and your decision making on how to get started.
Do a good turn daily!