Cartridge / Comfort pen problem

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Jan 3, 2009
South Dakota
I have been using a pen at work that I made using a cartridge and comfort pen kit. I have dropped this pen before but this week I dropped the pen and it landed on the tip with the tip being out. The point was damaged and would not write properly. I replace the refill and the transmission would not hold and it would twist closed as I used the pen. I next put in a new transmission and now it still retracts while I am using it.
Do you think I damaged the inside tube and the trans is slipping backwards as I use it? (retracting the point)
I have had some trans problems before but I discover and correct the problem at the time of assembly.
I want to make pens that work well. That is why I use this pen at work. I am not concerned about this pen itself obviously. My concern is this kit and parts. The people that I give and sell these pens to love them and I want them to work for a long time.
What kind of luck are you having with this kit?
The comfort pens are nothing but a beefier slimline pen . They use a standard 7mm transmission . These transmissions have a lock position when FULLY extended . If your pens refill is retracting while you write then it is not fully extended .
Try loosening up the refill a turn or two and see if it fully extends and locks .
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