Carbide turning tools & Handles

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Local Chapter Leader
Jan 2, 2008
Indianapolis, In.
I bought two carbide tools from Hanau (John Hanau here on the forum) a 10mm round finisher, and a diamond detail cutter. I ordered two Hard Maple blanks from Had some fun & frustration turning these handles. To start with, both of my lathe's beds are too short to drill these blanks, so I had to eyeball it, and drill them with my hand drill. It worked out really well. (this time) I had two copper end caps from a project we did years ago. So I used them for end protectors.

Finished the wood with 3 coats of friction polish, after sanding 120 - 3,000. Thanks to John Hanau for the nice tools at a great price. Picture is taken with my camera held in hand. I actually took three, but the ends of the tools were cropped out of the exposure. Thanks for looking anyway!


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