car accident

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May 11, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
not sure if i already posted about this or not, but july12 i was hit by a hit and run driver....broken wrist, plates and screws...right one of course...murphys law...both knees hit the dash but just bad bruises...shoulder belt did a real job on my chest and shoulder...only hurts when i breathe and my heart beats LOL. im a lot better now. but right wrist will be in a cast/splint at least another month and i am SOOOO right handed. but my left hand is getting smarter every day. i had NO idea how many things i do in my daily life that simply cannot be done one handed. my dentist would have a stroke if she knew some of the things i am doing with my teeth. my husband is a semi-invalid...cant stand or walk without a walker. fortunately i have an angel in my life...a young man we sort of adopted many years ago...he calls me grandma LOL... and he has been driving me all over to appointments, shopping...etc. dont know what i would do without him! yesterday he swept my kitchen and family room, brought in heavy amazon delivery boxes, etc. he calls me several times a day just to check on us.
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I'm adding you to my prayer list Sharon. You help so many people and I am glad you have someone to help you in this time of need. Thanks for posting this. Praying for you.
Wow Sharon, that sounds just awful. I am glad you are getting better and have someone to help. Thanks for letting the IAP community know. We will be thinking about you! - Dave
So sorry to hear this. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Sounds like you have a wonderful adopted grandson. Prayers sent your way…🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
not sure if i already posted about this or not, but july12 i was hit by a hit and run driver....broken wrist, plates and screws...right one of course...murphys law...both knees hit the dash but just bad bruises...shoulder belt did a real job on my chest and shoulder...only hurts when i breathe and my heart beats LOL. im a lot better now. but right wrist will be in a cast/splint at least another month and i am SOOOO right handed. but my left hand is getting smarter every day. i had NO idea how many things i do in my daily life that simply cannot be done one handed. my dentist would have a stroke if she knew some of the things i am doing with my teeth. my husband is a semi-invalid...cant stand or walk without a walker. fortunately i have an angel in my life...a young man we sort of adopted many years ago...he calls me grandma LOL... and he has been driving me all over to appointments, shopping...etc. dont know what i would do without him! yesterday he swept my kitchen and family room, brought in heavy amazon delivery boxes, etc. he calls me several times a day just to check on us.
So very sorry to hear. May you and your family experience all the blessings from the prayers being made here.
not sure if i already posted about this or not, but july12 i was hit by a hit and run driver....broken wrist, plates and screws...right one of course...murphys law...both knees hit the dash but just bad bruises...shoulder belt did a real job on my chest and shoulder...only hurts when i breathe and my heart beats LOL. im a lot better now. but right wrist will be in a cast/splint at least another month and i am SOOOO right handed. but my left hand is getting smarter every day. i had NO idea how many things i do in my daily life that simply cannot be done one handed. my dentist would have a stroke if she knew some of the things i am doing with my teeth. my husband is a semi-invalid...cant stand or walk without a walker. fortunately i have an angel in my life...a young man we sort of adopted many years ago...he calls me grandma LOL... and he has been driving me all over to appointments, shopping...etc. dont know what i would do without him! yesterday he swept my kitchen and family room, brought in heavy amazon delivery boxes, etc. he calls me several times a day just to check on us.
Oh my goodness, wishing you a speedy recovery. I'm so glad you have some help too.
did you know that it is next to impossible to operate a broom one handed? i bought some left handed scissors, though. i am constantly bringing stuff to my husband...can you open this, close this, fix this, tie this, etc.
Sorry to hear about this, Sharon, but I'm thankful that it wasn't worse & you are healing. We will keep you in our prayers.

I'm also right handed & broke my right wrist when I was a Sophomore in college & had to wear a splint for 6 weeks. I could grip a pencil, but had difficulty writing or doing much of anything else. I learned to do a lot with my left hand, including writing (not very well though). I'm not ambidextrous by any means, but I do use both hands more than most people as a result of that experience.
my left hand is getting smarter every day, but cant write legibly. getting pretty good at using the touchpad on the laptop but not good with the mouse. cant grip anything with my right hand yet. fingers are still quite swollen. go back to the dr monday. it was a bad break that required surgery to put in plates and screws on both the radius and the ulna.
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Wow! Sorry to hear about the accident and your injuries. Here's wishing and praying for a speedy recovery for you. About 2 years ago I had surgery on my right shoulder to repair a torn bicep tendon, and I couldn't use my right arm for what seemed forever. You should have seen my first attempts to sign my name with my left hand: totally illegible. Get better!
My wife fell in the kitchen two weeks ago and sprained her right hand, two fingers on that hand and her right elbow also.We went to the emergency clinic, no broken bones but they did put a soft cast on over the hand and up the back side of the elbow. Her whole arm was black and blue (she is on blood thinners.) The doctor was a little shocked that she didn't have a fracture. She is left handed, so that was good, but she quickly found out that one handedness wasn't as good as two. Reading Sharon's story in learning one handedness reminds me of my wife's ordeal. There is a lot that I have had to do for her. She couldn't hold her medicine bottles well enough to push in-turn-and open. And sweeping with a broom became my job too.

Still praying for you Sharon!
only just found this. Rapid recovery Sharon and glad things re starting to improve.

On the bright side you will have no excuse not to be ambidextrous in your turning in future ?
my left hand is getting smarter every day. after a month in a splint i am now in a hard fiberglass cast, but it doesnt cover my elbow so i have a lot more mobility in my arm now and it is lighter weight. he said maybe a brace in a couple of weeks.
Sharon, glad you re improving.
Story: Our retired pastor's wife was skating with a group. She fell and broke both elbows and had double casts that looked like wings. Her mother had to stay with her to help.
Oh wow, I just found this post. I haven't been on as much this summer. Add my prayers for continued healing. I will try not to complain as much about the trigger thumb on my dominant (right) hand after hearing this.
I'm out of the brace except for driving and sleeping. I'm typing with both hands, but my right pinky is still numb and doesn't always do what I tell it to! PT twice a week, exercises at home three times a day. It gets a bit tired and sore by the end of the day, but definitely progress! Still a 3 lb weight limit on what I can pick up with it.
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