Capturing YOUTUBE videos

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Feb 2, 2006
Harrisburg, PA 17112
This is just because some of our members have posted videos on YOUTUBE.

A friend of mine asked if YOUTUBE Videos can be captured to your local PC. I did some research and determined it is possible. The captured video is pretty ugly though.

Copy the url from the YOUTUBE video to the clipboard.

Go to web site
Paste the url from YOUTUBE into the white box and click on the wide gray button. When prompted to save the file, save the file with a resaonable name and make sure to add the .flv extension to the file name.

It will take awhile. You will need to install or have a flash player.

Of course, you can just bookmark the YOUTUBE page.
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I use a program called "Super", which has a copyright C mark after it. works great and I can get just the video, or just the audio and can convert it to any file format I want. It's free.

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